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Ubistva iz "časti"?!

31. januar 2013

U Njemačkoj se godišnje zabilježi 12 do 15 ubistava iz "časti", a cifra je vjerovatno i mnogo veća. Koliku ulogu u tim zločinima ima religija a koliku kulturni milje iz kojeg potiču žrtve i ubice? Autor: Svetozar Savić

Pictured - A barred window is one of the sole methods of seeing the outside world. The women are limited to the time they get outside of the shelter. The door remains locked from the inside, and they are required to get permission, and then searched, before they go out and after they return. There is a silent epidemic inside Pakistan that has caused tens of thousands of women to be subjected to abuse, even death, in the name of preserving a family?s honor in a male-dominated society. More than 4,100 "honor" killings - the slaying of a woman by relatives who think she has shamed the family - occurred in the country between 2001 and 2004, according to Pakistan?s Interior Ministry. The practice of honor killing, though not limited to Islam, retains support in Muslim countries, where the majority of such attacks take place and where their numbers are on the rise. Foto: Katie Falkenberg/Washington Times +++(c) dpa - Report+++
Symbolbild Ehrenmorde Gewalt gegen FrauenFoto: picture-alliance/dpa
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