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Ägypten nach dem Sturz Mubaraks

2. März 2011

Der "Pharao" ist verjagt, doch was ist mit dem "System Mubarak"? Wie geht es weiter am Nil? Wer hat das Sagen? Die Ägypter machen sich Sorgen um die Zukunft ihres Landes.

An Egyptian man holds a Libya's old national flag during the Friday demonstration in the Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Feb.25, 2011. The deputy to Osama bin Laden issued al-Qaida's second message since the Egyptian uprising, accusing the nation's Christian leadership of inciting interfaith tensions and denying that the terror network was behind last month's bombing of a Coptic church in Alexandria that killed 21 and sparked protests. (Foto:Khalil Hamra/AP/dapd)
Demonstration in KairoBild: dapd
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