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Auf dem Weg zur fahrradfreundlichen Stadt

Hannah Fuchs2. Januar 2013

Pro Tag drängen sich anderthalb Millionen Fahrzeuge durch Buenos Aires. Nun möchte die Stadt umsatteln: Architekten, Akteure und Stadtplaner arbeiten gemeinsam daran, den Verkehr fahrradfreundlicher zu machen.

A woman rides her bicycle along a bike path in Buenos Aires, on April 28, 2011. A program of the government of the city of Buenos Aires to encourage cycling as a means of transportation in the metropolitan area has had an uneven result. Some new bike paths are in good condition and marked, but older ones are generally in poor condition, hampering the traffic of cars, buses and trucks, and furthermore, two-way bike lanes built on one-way streets have caused incidents with pedestrians who tend to look only towards the side of vehicular traffic. Also, pedestrians in general are not accustomed to bike paths and do not respect them, using them as an extension of the sidewalk. AFP PHOTO/DANIEL GARCIA (Photo credit should read gDANIEL GARCIA/AFP/Getty Imaes)
Radwege der Zukunft in Buenos AiresBild: DANIEL GARCIA/AFP/Getty Imaes