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Human Rights Education - The Scientific and Cultural Potential for Transforming the Middle East

3. März 2012
Dec. 2005; Punjab, INDIA; Dwarka Prasad is paid Rs37 (80 cents) for every thousand bricks he removes from the brick kiln. But this meagre payment barely dents the debt he owes to the brick kiln owner from whom he took an advance at the start of the brick-making season. If he has not paid back the debt in full by the end of the season, the owner will not let him and his family return to their home state of Rajasthan. Foto: Pete Pattisson +++(c) dpa - Report+++ Schlagworte Arbeit, Gesellschaft, Menschenrechte, Wirtschaft, Abhängig, Arbeiter, Ausbeutung, Bewegung, effekt, kastensytem, leibeigener, leibeigenschaft, sklave, sklaverei, Unterdrückt, Unterdrückung, verschuldet, verschuldung, versklavung, wanderarbeiter, ziegelfabrik, ziegelsteine
Bild: picture-alliance/dpa