Meet the team behind @dwnews
June 20, 20151. We're digital natives. Our average age isn’t quite under 30, but only two of us grew up with the Commodore or Atari computers.
2. Combined we are individually on more than 10 different platforms. Our latest one is Periscope. And in terms of apps, we have lots of recommendations but our favorite go-to one for news is – no surprise here – DW Breaking World News.
3. We’re the journalists behind the @dwnews account on Twitter. We post on Facebook and reply to your comments. We love to interact with our audience and encourage you to send us photos and videos. We select the best for showing in our news broadcast.
4. Most of us grew up outside Germany but have since made the country our home. We love to travel and have plenty of photos to show on our Instagram accounts. But if you want pics from DW, check out @inside_dw on Instagram.
5. Between us we speak 14 languages and we’re not talking just your basic school language skills. Sure we know Spanish, German and French. But we also speak Bengali, Hebrew, Pashto, Swahili and Urdu. One of us even speaks Danish.
6. When you watch our live blogger on DW News, we’re sitting right in the back, producing and editing content. You might see us moving around, conducting interviews and talking with each other. That’s because what you see on TV is our editorial room. When we broadcast to you, we take you right into our office.
7. Nothing goes across our desk and into the blog without us vetting it first. Take a look at our set of analysis and verification tools.
8. Although we’re open-minded and tolerate many different view points, we strive to maintain a respectful tone across all our interactive platforms and expect our followers to do the same. You can find out more about our principles here in our social media netiquette.
9. The social media team @dwnews is based in Bonn, where DW’s radio, online and foreign language departments are located, and in Berlin, the home of our television programs and the German capital. Because more than 400 kilometers separate us, we know the importance of digital communication. If you want to reach us, you can most easily contact us via