The company Nanoscribe is producing the most accurate 3D-printers in the world to print structures 250 times finer than a human hair. Researchers use them to print tiny robots, which may one day move inside the body.
This is how the Spermbot works
It is hard to believe: A tiny spiral - a micro robot - catches a single sperm, moves it directly to an egg cell and delivers it right there.
So far, this spermbot only functions in a petri dish and with bovine sperm. But maybe one day, it could help women who wish to get pregnant, Oliver Schmidt, Professor at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW) Dresden told DW.
"With some men, the sperm are not moving, but still healthy. We would like to propel them artificially to be able to reach their final destination," he said. But the physicist admitted there is still a long journey ahead before the technique becomes a medical application.
Right now, the main challenge for using such micro robots inside a human body is imaging: "In a petri dish we can do all our experiments with high resolution microscopy," Schmidt said. "But when we operate deeply inside the tissue, the resolution fades."
Even the most modern computer tomographs, which are used to display a cross-section of a human body, are not strong enough to help guide the micro robot to its target. One would need real time imaging to observe the robot, he added.
The researchers from Dresden control their spiral with a magnetic field that rotates outside around the experiment. "It can not just be a permanent magnetic field. But on the other hand, the field does not need to be very strong." Certainly, for the human body it would not cause any harm, Schmidt stresses.
Production with laserlight in a liquid
The micro robot spiral was produced with a 3D-printer of the Karlsruhe based company Nanoscribe. Its printers are able to print dots with a diameter of only 200 nanometers (nm). By comparison, a human hair has a diameter of 50.000 nm.
The printing is done with special laser light in a specific photoresist. "In the places, where the laser is strongly focused, the liquid material will harden," Andreas Frölich from Nanoscribe explains. "This way, one can draw in a three dimensional way - just like with a tip of a pen." The hardened structures are made of plastic - a polymer.
In principle, this is a technique stemming from a well known photochemical process. With normal photoresist, one light particle - a photon - will trigger polymerization.
But that would not be enough to do 3D printing effectively. To turn the liquid into a hard substance, one needs two photons hitting the molecules simultaneously. That's why the process is also called two-photon-polymerization.
Extremely short light pulses generate hard plastic
Under normal circumstances, it is highly unlikely that two photons would hit anything at exactly the same time. To generate enough photons, the engineers use a femtosecond laser. It generates light pulses, which only last a hundred thousandth of a billionth of a second. The pulses are loaded with intense energy, but the laser beam does not get dangerously hot.
The structures are so tiny that instead of using a container filled with liquid, one uses a tiny chip. On one chip, it is possible to generate hundreds of thousands of micro robots.
The spirals on the chip are coated with a magnetic material and then dropped into a liquid. In that form, they can easily be applied for medical or other laboratory uses.
Fighting cancer with sperms
Long before any human egg cell is ever fertilized by such a micro robot, Schmidt hopes there will be another medical application. He and his team want to fight cancer using the spermbot. How would that work? He told DW that sperm have a special property; they can penetrate cell walls.
"It is possible to equip sperm with chemotherapy medication," Schmidt says. "Then they transport the substance directly to the cancer cell."
The problem with insufficient imaging may be easier to solve in this type of application. Instead of using just one micro robot, researchers would deploy a huge swarm of spermbots. And that could become visible much easier, using existing technologies.
If it works, doctors will be able to apply their cancer medication right there, where it is needed and chemotherapy, for example, would become much less of an ordeal for the patient.
Many more potential uses in medicine
There are several other possible medical applications for micro structures from the Nanoscribe 3D printers. But to date, only one of them has been tested successfully.
Italian researchers managed to make a micro CT scan of the tiny surface structures of a bone. They then copied those exact structures to a new surface. Finally, the researchers applied living bone cells to the printed fake bone microstructures and the results were clear: "The living cells accepted the new surface much better than they would have with a flat surface," Andreas Frölich of Nanoscribe told DW.
Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) used a similar approach. They generated cage-like structures which make cells feel comfortable and settle there.
"The purpose is to lead the cells to believe that they are in a natural environment," Frölich said.
The micro printers can also be used to produce tiny instruments for minimally-invasive surgery. "We have customers who used our printers to attach lenses to extremely thin endoscopes. Or they have printed micro pliars onto the tips of wires," the physicist told DW. "This way one can monitor surgery inside a blood vessel and possibly remove a clot there," he added. So far, the technology has not reached hospital surgery rooms, but some medics are already running tests.
Reaping the benefits of 3d printing
Last year, Grecia the Costa Rican was attacked by a group of young boys, and he lost the upper part of his beak. Now, he has a new beak, and it's all thanks to 3d printing.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/Rescate Animal Zoo Ave/H. A. Rivera
A success!
Without a beak, toucans can't sing. For over a year, there were no dulcet tones emanating from Grecia, but now there are. Thanks to 3d printing and a donated beak from a dead comrade, Grecia is back in action.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/Rescate Animal Zoo Ave/H. A. Rivera
It was a group of boys who brought the hammer down on Grecia. To bring him back into form, doctors first put the injured toucan through a CT scan. Then they used computers to develop an exact model of his beak, which was eventually used to create his 3d beak.
Image: Getty Images/AFP/Ezequiel Becerra
A new hand
This is Maxence, a six-year-old French boy was born without a right hand. He received a new orange, yellow and blue hand from a 3d printer, and it only cost around 50 euros to produce!
Image: J. Pachoud/AFP/Getty Images
A wheelchair for Luisa
This street dog from Italy lost her front legs in an accident. Her new owners, a family near Ravensburg, wanted to help get her back up and had a special wheelchair created with 3d components to help do just that.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/F. Kästle
Breast shell straight out of the printer
Luisa lives with Manuel Tosché and Petra Rapp, and both are involved in developing 3d printers. Her breast shell was designed by their son and his girlfriend. If Luisa grows out of her shell, there's no reason to worry. She can just have a bigger one printed out.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/F. Kästle
Surrogate skull
These components for a replacement skull were created with a 3d printer. Just like with the toucan's beak, the template was a CT scan, which in essence is a 3d X-ray. This allows for an extremely precise remake - almost to the nearest tenth of a millimeter.
Image: DW/F. Schmidt
Fake bone becomes real bone
This implant was made in a similar manner using hydroxylapatite powder, which allows it to fuse with the bone. With time, actual bone material is regenerated, and the material used to make the implant simply erodes.
Image: caesar/3mat
Individualized dentistry, 3d style
The days of biting down to create a model for your fake teeth are long gone. Today, CT scans are sent straight to the laboratory and - poof - within days your dentures arrive in a parcel sent by the manufacturer.
Image: DW/F. Schmidt
Harder when it comes to the heart
Other branches of medicine have profited less from 3d printing, with cardiology being one of those. Although it may be possible to create a 3d printout of this heart with its arteries, arterioles and capillaries, you could only use it probably as a model in science class.
Image: DW/F.Schmidt
Cells are the long term goal
The French Institute of Health and Medical Research is working to create individualized cells using 3d printing, a goal that would enable people to recover from immunal deficiences. Their ultimate goal is one day to produce cell structures, perhaps even parts of organs, that can be implanted in humans.
Image: Reuters/R. Duvignau
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Inspiring engineers: nature's small miracles
3D printing lets engineers and designers approach the construction process from a whole different angle. More and more often, they get their ideas from natural phenomena.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/R.Neder
Extremely thin and extremely strong
The Victoria water lily is a delicate flower, but it's also a lot stronger than it looks. For instance, Victoria has no problem supporting this baby. A larger specimen could even support an adult. How is that possible?
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/R.Nederstigt
Solving the puzzle in 3D
That's what an Airbus aerospace engineer is trying to find out here. First he scans the delicate Victoria structure with a 3D scanner. Then he enters the data into a computer program.
Image: Airbus
Crucial weight distribution
Computer tools are perfect for remodeling nature-based structures. Imitating these structures in design and construction is called bionics. This example is from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research. The computer calculates how a net structure needs to be set up to support weight loads in two different locations.
All about support
That's similar to how a water lily does it. The stems on the underside of the leaves are thicker and denser where great pressure pushes down on the water lily. In places where there's less pressure, the distance between the stems is greater and the stems themselves are slimmer.
Image: Airbus
The water lily spoiler
This airplane spoiler was inspired by the water lily model and printed with selective laser melting. It's an extremely lightweight but sturdy metal structure that could not have been built using any other methods.
Image: DZP/Ansgar Pudenz
Airbus innovator
Peter Sander championed 3D printing at Airbus in Hamburg, Germany. The water lily spoiler is just one of many projects he's done with "Laser Zentrum Nord," a production company tied to a university. Starting in 2016, Airbus will begin mass production with its own 3D printers.
Image: Airbus
Inspiration on a small scale
This little bit of inspiration also comes courtesy of the Alfred Wegener Institute. It's a microscope image of a diatom, a kind of algae. The skeleton of this tiny organism has to withstand very heavy loads, and as a result it has used - what we would consider - principles of construction since the beginning of its evolution.
Image: Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar und Meeresforschung
Following the diatom model
The institute's researchers looked to the diatom when they created these honeycomb structures. They are used in numerous areas of light weight construction, for example when building airplanes and cars. These combs were printed with 3D printers and are made of plastic.
Image: DW/Fabian Schmidt
Bionic plane
This entire airplane was built using bionic principles. The "bare bones" look as though they have grown organically, like a tree. But this is only a study by Airbus and far from mass production. It will be several decades before we can actually enjoy such views from an airplane.
Image: AIRBUS S.A.S.
Airplane of the future
The metal printers that Airbus will start using in 2016 can only print relatively small parts with a length of approximately one meter. Whole planes like this one won't be coming from the printer any time soon. But even small parts can make a structure significantly lighter - and that means that in the future, planes will guzzle a lot less fuel.