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Merkel returns to the office after quarantine

April 3, 2020

After contact with a doctor infected with coronavirus in March, the German chancellor was forced into quarantine. Now she has left her Berlin home for the first time in almost two weeks.

Angela Merkel
Image: Reuters/M. Kappeler

German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday returned to her Berlin office after two weeks in home quarantine.

Merkel will continue to observe social distancing rules and lead the country via video and audio conferencing.

"Thankfully the chancellor tested negative for the coronavirus several times ... Now the work continues from the chancellery," said government spokesman Steffen Seibert.

The 65-year-old leader had been in self-isolation at her flat in the German capital's museum district after learning on March 22 that a doctor who gave her a vaccination two days before was infected with the COVID-19 virus.

While in isolation, Merkel kept working and held government meetings via video link.

The chancellor's popularity has soared during the coronavirus crisis, with a survey showing that the vast majority of Germans agreed with the introduction of social distancing rules.

Read more: What happens if Angela Merkel can't work?

Latest figures on Friday from Johns Hopkins University put the coronavirus death toll in Germany at 1,107, with 84,794 cases of infection.

rc/rt (dpa,AFP)

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