Berlusconi Resigns as Coalition Crumbles
April 21, 2005
Prime Minister Silvio Belusconi's resignation had been expected after one of the smaller parties in his center-right governing coalition last week withdrew its four ministers and another main partner this week threatened to do the same.
Berlusconi met with Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, the Italian president, on Wednesday afternoon and resigned. The head of state will begin consultations with all of Italy's political forces on Thursday and is expected to ask Berlusconi to form a new government later this week.
Earlier, the Italian prime minister addressed legislators in the upper house of parliament. He said the coalition that had won the election in 2001 was experiencing a difficult phase. In his speech, Berlusconi acknowledged that just over two weeks ago Italians gave a clear sign of discomfort in regional elections. The center-right coalition lost 11 of the 13 regions up for grabs.
The prime minister said the extent of the loss was significant, adding he intended to give an adequate political response.
Berlusconi defends the coalition
Berlusconi made clear, however, that "this is the majority that was chosen by voters to govern the country and this is the majority that will continue do so until the end of the legislature." Clapping erupted in the upper house from members of his coalition parties.
Berlusconi added that the coalition had governed during four difficult years for the world. He said these were the years of international terrorism, of the longest European economic crisis and the change of currency. Over these four years, Berlusconi said, this coalition guaranteed a secure leadership to the country.
Government's pros gloss over the cons
"We put an end to permanent instability and increased Italy's role and prestige at an international level," Berlusconi said. "We carried out reforms which had been delayed for decades," he continued, "and launched an ambitious effort to carry out profound changes in this country." Berlusconi said he was confident a new government would re-launch the centre-right coalition.
To do this, he said, "I intend to update our government program strengthening efforts to defend the purchasing power of families, to support our businesses and to give new and decisive impulse to the development of the south."
If he is asked to form the new government, Berlusconi is expected to present his new line-up in a week. The government would then need to be put through a confidence vote in parliament.