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Delhi chief brands Modi 'psychopath'

December 15, 2015

Delhi's Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of waging a political vendetta after investigators swooped on his administration offices. Kejriwal and Modi are bitter political rivals.

Logo CBI Central Bureau of Investigation, India
Image: Central Bureau of Investigation

A spokesman for India's Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) confirmed Tuesday that officers had sealed off several offices in the Delhi secretariat, where the leader of the anti-corruption Aam Aadmi party is based, but denied the flamboyant chief minister was the target.

"We are investigating a case against a staffer from the chief minister's office," CBI spokesman R.K. Gaur said. "Our team didn't raid the chief minister's office but restricted entry to certain areas."

CBI investigators said they were searching the office of Rajendra Kumar, principal secretary of the Delhi government, near Kejriwal's office. Kumar is under investigation for corruption.

But Kejriwal took to Twitter to accuse investigators of lying and said that if it had evidence of his staff's wrongdoing he would've assisted in the investigation.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvin Kejriwal is locked in a power struggle with the federal government.Image: picture alliance/landov

Kejriwal, a former tax inspector and self-styled political revolutionary, has pushed to be given control of the police force operating in the state of Delhi - in line with other state administrations - but his calls have been rebuffed by the prime minister.

Kejriwal and Modi are bitter rivals and ran against each other at last year's general election in the same constituency. His party's triumph in the state of Delhi was the first major setback for Modi's nationalist BJP.

The outspoken opposition figure didn't hold back in his Twitter barrage.

There was no immediate reaction from Modi, who is himself usually a prolific Twitter user.

jar/rc (AP, Reuters, PTI)

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