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Sjömgasinet Restaurant

April 27, 2007

The fish are caught just a few hundred metres from the restaurant.

Image: DW-TV

Recipe for Dover Sole by Chef Lars Selberg


200 Grams Dover Sole
Pinch of rosemary to flavour the fish
70 Grams Brie de Maux
Flour, egg and breadcrumbs to coat the cheese
1 beet, a teaspoon of honey and 20 cl of chicken stock
A pinch of salt
A pinch of pepper
1 roasted chestnut
A potato cube fried in duck fat

For the lobster stock:
10 cl lobster stock
1 tbsp chopped shallots
1 tbsp chopped dill
1 tbsp Chardonay white wine vinegar
Rapeseed Oil
A dash of Aquavit
A desert spoon of Madeira wine
White Pepper


Flavour the Dover sole with Rosemary and roll tight.
Fry the potato cube in duck fat from all sides and leave to simmer.
Fry the sole from all sides.
Place fish and potato in the oven at 120 degrees Celsius until cooked.

Heat lobster stock and add finely chopped shallots, chopped dill and roasted haselnuts. Add a dash of Madeira vinegar and a pinch of salt and pepper. In a different pot boil the beet and cook in chicken stock. Add a teaspoon of honey. Cut the brie into cubes and roll in flour, eggs and bread crumbs twice. Fry in fat heated to 140 degrees Celsius.

Finally arrange the fish, potato, roasted chestnut, beet and fried brie on a plate and add the lobster stock. Finish off with a shot of rapeseed oil and a shot of Aquavit.

Guten Appetit!