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Deutsche Welle: Arabic is the new web focus language

January 14, 2005

DW-WORLD.DE launches informative and interactive platform for the Arabic-speaking world

With the launch of its new Arabic language website on 12 January 2005, Deutsche Welle is further expanding its presence in one of its focus regions. "This is an important contribution to maintaining a dialogue with the Arabic-speaking world," according to Director-General Erik Bettermann. In addition to DW-TV and DW-RADIO, Germany’s international broadcaster makes use of the Internet more than ever, which enjoys particularly growing demand from Morocco to Saudi Arabia, above all reaching younger people and opinion leaders.

The Arabic language online journalists focus on reporting current events about Germany, Europe and the Middle East. In addition to politics, the arts and business, there is plenty of sports and news from science and technology. The diverse offerings are now accessible online at www.dw-world.de/arabic. In addition, the editors make full use of interactive elements. "We invite Arabic speaking users to use email and online forums to enter into a dialogue – both with our editors and with other users," says editor-in-chief of DW-Online, Guido Baumhauer. Roughly 15 million people in the Arabic-speaking world presently use the Internet.

Baumhauer: "Our aim is to stimulate students, university graduates, journalists, employees in business and government and other interested people for DW-WORLD.DE with appealing services." There are free on-demand audio courses for learners of German. The service is supplemented by information for listeners and viewers of DW programmes. This new focus service of DW-WORLD.DE at the beginning of the year considerably expands DW’s Arabic language activities on the Internet: the Arabic language version of campus-germany.de, the study and research portal operated by Deutsche Welle in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akade­mischer Austauschdienst, DAAD) was already launched on 6 January 2005.

DW-WORLD.DE is DW’s multilingual web service – information in 30 languages, in words and pictures, audio and video – offering news and background reports from Germany, Europe and the world, supplemented by information on the programmes of DW-TV and DW-RADIO.



12 January 2005

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