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Deutsche Welle joins “Europe TV”

March 19, 2007

Europe’s new ‘global’ media concept

“Welcome to the Journal on DW-TV. Hello, I'm Meggin Leigh in Berlin”

Deutsche Welle, Germany’s international broadcaster, today announced that it is joining “Europe TV”, a high-level airtime package comprising international TV- broadcasters such as DW-TV, TVE International, TV5 MONDE and EuroNews. Europe TV is an initiative of France Télévisions Publicité (FTP) International, the international sales house and affiliate of France Télévisions Publicité.

Experienced initiator

As part of France Télévisions Publicité, the sales house of French public broadcaster France Télévisions (France 2, France 3, etc.), FTP International handles all airtime sales for the channels of France Télévisions Group outside their national territory. FTP International is the leading TV advertising sales house in Sub-Saharan Africa, and is also extending its operations in North Africa.

FTP International’s broad experience in internationally marketing strong public channels will be an important factor in convincing international advertisers to include Europe TV in their communication plans.

Meeting international advertisers’ global needs

Initiated by FTP International in the summer of 2006, Europe TV represents a unique new media opportunity for international advertisers. No less than 430 million households worldwide are able to view one of Europe TV’s partner channels. This ‘concept in progress’ is an alliance of strong international TV channels from Europe that are globally available, reaching an audience interested in Europe and European countries’ view of the world by communicating in some of Europe’s and the world’s most important languages.

“High-quality communication vehicle”

The uniqueness of Europe TV, as Philippe Santini, FTP International’s President, puts it, is that ‘it addresses the international advertisers’ needs to reach an international audience with international and European news and programming presented in their mother tongue. As we are still seeking to enlarge Europe TV by adding other enthusiastic national European broadcasters, we are sure this high-quality communication vehicle will become an important lever to reach an affluent, international and highly educated audience.’

Thus, Europe TV is one of the first truly multilingual and multicultural products, matching national values with the European spirit and a global perspective, aiming at high-level-audiences in Europe and worldwide. Advertisers will be able to buy Europe TV à la carte, choosing to purchase either individual channels or the entire package.

“Ideal platform for global perspectives”

“Deutsche Welle and it’s partners in this project”, stated Eric Bettermann, Director General of Deutsche Welle,” are highly regarded as reliable sources of comprehensive views on their countries, on Europe and major worldwide issues. This should be an ideal platform for high-level advertising-messages of worldwide operating clients to audiences with a global perspective.”

19 March 2007

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