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Donald Trump sworn in as 45th US President

January 20, 2017

Donald Trump has taken the oath of office to become the 45th US president. Follow us live as DW reports on everything you need to know about the controversial real estate mogul and his historic inauguration.

Washington Amtseinführung Trump Parade
Image: Picture-Alliance/AP Photo/E. Vucci

We welcome you to our rolling coverage of the inauguration of Donald J. Trump, with the latest news, views and reactions to the 45th President of the United States.

  • Donald J. Trump, a real estate mogul and self-proclaimed billionaire, has become the 45th President of the United States.
  • Authorities expected up to 900,000 people to participate in the inauguration celebrations, down from outgoing President Barack Obama's 1.8 million in 2009.
  • Thousands of people were demonstrating in Washington, protesting his positions on women's rights and climate change.

All updates in Central European Time (CET)

22:42  President Donald Trump and the First Family have arrived at the White House with Vice President Mike Pence and the Second Family.

22:11  Trump exited the presidential armored limo known as "The Beast" to walk along the parade route for a short distance near his D.C. hotel with Melania and his son Barron. Some people cheered President Trump's arrival while others boo-ed and waved a Russian flag in the background.

21:49  US President Donald Trump and Melania left the Capitol for the inaugural parade along Pennsylvania Avenue to their new home at the White House.

Military bands representing all the US service branches are playing and marching outside the Capitol while the motorcycle police accompany the parade participants.

Image: Reuters/M. Heiman

21:43 Fewer people attended Trump's swearing-in than attended President Barack Obama's first inauguration eight years ago, photo comparisons showed.

Images of the National Mall from Obama's inauguration in 2009 show a crowd stretching from the West Front of the Capitol to the Washington Monument. However, photos taken from the same position on Friday showed large empty areas. Along the parade route, thin crowds gathered along the streets and in semi-empty bleachers.

21:27  Check out DW's summary of the highlights from Trump's inauguration speech:

21:15  Shortly after Trump took the oath of office, the White House website posted seven issues that the new president's administration will address in office to cancel "harmful and unncessary policies."

The website noted a commitment to the "America First" protectionism, particularly in foreign policy.

"Peace through strength will be at the center of that foreign policy," the White House website states, adding that expanding the military will be a top priority. The Trump administration said it will "embrace diplomacy" but is "happy when old enemies become friends and when old friends become allies."

The website also said that Trump is committed to eliminating the Obama administration's Climate Action Plan and other environmental initiatives.

A word search showed that all other references to climate change have been removed from the White House website at this time. 

21:03 Towards the end of the Congress lunch, President Trump surprisingly recognized former rival Hillary Clinton and her husband ex-President Bill Clinton.

"I have a lot of respect for those two people," Trump said leading a standing ovation for the Clintons.

President Trump pays tribute to Hillary Clinton


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21:02  Germany's Vice Chancellor and Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel warned that the world could be in for a "rough ride" following President Trump's inauguration.

"What we heard today were high nationalistic tones," Gabriel said in an interview with German public broadcaster ZDF.  "I think we have to prepare for a rough ride."

Europe and Germany must stand together "to defend our interests."

Earlier on Twitter, Gabriel appealed to the American people on Twitter, asking the United States to "stay the land of the free and home of the brave."

Pope Francis also urged Trump to be guided by ethical values that "shaped the history of the American people and your nation's commitment ot the advancement of human dignity and freedom worldwide."

Russians celebrated Trump's inaguration in Moscow, confident that the new US president will usher in a time of better relations between the two countries.

20:06  Some pockets of protesters have clashed with police in riot gear at the intersection of L Street and 12th Street ahead of the inaugural parade set to take place in an hour. Some of the protesters reportedly threw rocks or bricks at security forces with police responding with pepper spray and flash bang deterrents. 

Washington D.C. police have arrested some 90 protesters so far. In a statement posted on Twitter, D.C. police said that a group of protesters "engaged in acts of vadalism" including damaging vehicles.

DW's Maya Shwayder reported that the windows of a limosine were smashed out near Franklin Square.

The majority of protesters and those celebrating Trump's inaguration have been calm as they await the start of the parade, but police presence in the area has been heightened.

19:49  Trump and his wife Melania along with Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen Pence joined lawmakers for a celebratory lunch inside the Capitol.

Upon his arrival, Trump shook hands with his former presidential rival Hillary Clinton, who is attending the event along with her husband, ex-President Bill Clinton.

Lawmakers and the new US president will sit down for a three course lunch including lobster, Angus beef from Virginia and a chocolate souffle with cherry vanilla ice cream.

19:16  In his first act as President, Trump has signed paperwork making his presidency official as well as some executive orders. The full content of his executive orders was not immediately clear, but one of the papers was a piece of legislation allowing retired General James Mattis to serve as the US Defense Secretary.

Currently, a law bars former service members who have been out of uniform for less than seven years from holding the top Pentagon post. The restriction is meant to preserve civilian control of the military, but the measure Trump signed grants Mattis a one-time exception.

He also signed a proclamation to establish a National Day of Patriotism. There were no immediate details on the event or when it should take place.

18:46 The Obamas leave Washington aboard a presidential helicopter for Joint Base Andrews. He was greeted at the base in Maryland by crowds chanting: "Yes we can!"

18:13  President Donald Trump delivered a concise speech on his goals and vision for the next few years of his presidency. His inauguration speech echoed his dark campaign rhetoric, listing off the country's problems such as inner-city crime and outsourced jobs.

"From this day forward, it's only going to be America first," Trump said addressing the nations of the world. He added that this form of protectionism "will lead to great prosperity and strength."

Trump also vowed to create a global alliance against Islamist terrorism which it will "eradicate completely from the face of the earth."

18:00  Donald Trump has been sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America.

17:54  US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has sworn-in Mike Pence as the Vice President of the United States.

17:35  President-elect Donald Trump gave a thumbs up and pumped his fist at the cheering crowds gathered at the Capitol and National Mall as he took his place on the inaugural stage. Crowds broke out in chants of "Trump, Trump" shortly before he arrived.

17:23  DW's Alexandra von Nahmen reports that chaotic scenes have erupted on the streets of Washington D.C. as protesters ran from police.

In some areas in the US capital, police fired tear gas to disperse protesters after stones were thrown and some car windows were broken at demonstrations ahead of Trump's swearing-in.

Masked anti-trump demonstrators in Washington


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17:04  Former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton arrived at the US Capitol for Trump's inauguration. In the November election, Clinton garnered the most popular votes, but lost to her Republican opponent Trump in the Electoral College votes.

Image: Getty Images/AFP/J. Angelillo

Hillary Clinton posted on Twitter that she was at Trump's inauguration "to honor our democracy and its enduring values. I will never stop believing in our country and its future."

Former President Jimmy Carter was also in attendance with his wife. Obama's Republican predecessor ex-president George W. Bush also attended with his wife Laura. Bush's father, Former President George H.W. Bush was hospitalized this week with pneumonia and was unable to attend.

Image: Reuters/J. Gruber

16:57 President Obama and President-elect Trump have left the White House, traveling in the same car together to the US Capitol. Both men's expressions appeared tense as they entered the presidential motorcade, heading to participate in the ceremony that will formally transfer power to Trump.

16:24  Incoming First Lady Melania Trump channeled famous First Lady Jackie Kennedy with her powder blue suit ensemble for her husband's inauguration. Fashion magazines and social media users praised the fashion choice, which was made by iconic US fashion designer Ralph Lauren.

16:03  British activists dropped a banner reading "Build bridges not walls" on London's iconic Tower Bridge on Friday to protest incoming US President Trump's promise to build a wall on the US-Mexican border.

Image: Reuters/T. Melville

Protesters around the world have unfurled similar banners at famous landmarks to take a stand against Trump's divisive polices, including Germany's Berlin Wall which divided the city between 1961 and 1989.

Greenpeace activists held up rainbow-colored signs at the Berlin Wall landmark reading, "Mr. President, walls divide! Build bridges!"

15:45  Outgoing President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama have received the incoming first family, Donald and Melania Trump, at the White House for a tea reception.

On Twitter, Obama bid his followers adieu as Trump transitions into the White House, writing, "I believe in change because I believe in you."

15:30  President Barack Obama left the Oval Office at the White House for the final time. Holding true to custom, Obama left a personal note for his successor, Donald Trump, on the Resolute desk.

When asked by a reporter if he had any final words for the American people, Obama shouted over his shoulder: "Thank you!"

15:26 Trump, his wife Melania and his adult children arrived at St. John's Church close to the White House for an hour-long service before he has tea with outgoing President Barack Obama.

The sermon will be delivered by Southern Baptist pastor Robert Jeffress, whose inflammatory remarks about Muslims, Mormons, Catholics and LGBTQ people have draw sharp criticism in the past.

14:53 The incoming president's wife Melania Trump caught flak for wearing large, over-sized Gucci glasses when she visited the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetary on Thursday.

Social media users questioned whether it was appropriate while others called it "rude." The incoming First Lady of the United States, often abbreviated as FLOTUS, has stayed clear of social media since Trump's divisive victory on November 8. While the former model hasn't made a single tweet since then - unlike her husband - her presence in the US has caused a tourism boom in her homeland Slovenia.

Click here to read more about Melania's Slovenia.

14:10 While it's still early morning in Washington, protesters are not wasting time. They have gathered at one of the entrances to the inauguration ceremony in an attempt to block attendees from joining the festivities.

Overnight in New York, celebrities gathered outside Trump International Hotel to voice their concerns about a Trump presidency. Here's a photo of American actor and renowned Trump critic Robert De Niro speaking to crowds about the dangers of the incoming administration.

Robert De Niro speaks at a protest against Donald Trump in front of one of his hotels in New YorkImage: Reuters/S. Keith

13:51 Days before Trump's inauguration, scientists and hackers hurried to copy climate data onto independent servers. The reason? They were worried that the new government could redact and whitewash publicly available scientific research and databases.

Click here to read more about their struggle.

13:00 "Expect the unexpected." Presidential rhetoric scholars are at a loss what to expect from Trump’s inaugural address. But what they do know is that it is likely to be remembered for some time to come, not necessarily because of Trump, writes DW's Michael Knigge

Click here to read the full story.

12:40 The spaces in Donald Trump's Cabinet have been filled with several eyebrow-raising nominees. From CEOs of major corporations to climate change deniers, meet Trump's Cabinet.

12:27 A day before Trump's inauguration, European Union lawmakers called for an official complaint over his fatalistic view of the bloc. Guy Verhofstadt, the head of the ALDE group, suggested summoning the US ambassador to the EU to "explain Trump's statements." 

Click here to read the full story.

12:04 Although Trump has claimed that climate change is not real, he may seize opportunities to develop clean energy, says WRI's Government Affairs Director Christina Deconcini. 

Click here to read the full interview.

11:38 Already a real-estate magnate, best-selling author and reality TV star, Donald Trump is about to become the 45th US president. From New Jersey casinos to the "Art of the Deal," here's a look at how the American figure built an empire.

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