When in Rome, do as the Romans do. But in Germany? After decades of living in the country, DW's Louisa Schaefer, from the US, is still baffled at times when it comes to national etiquette norms.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/K. Kraemer
The Ps and Qs of German manners
Like any country, Germany has its unique brand of social etiquette. Click through the gallery to learn about how to mind some of your Ps and Qs in this country.
Image: Daniel Reinhardt/dpa/picture alliance
The handshake
Germans used to shake hands all the time before the pandemic. It often felt like a national sport. It was done in formal settings like business meetings, to seal a deal, when meeting a person, to congratulate someone or even to say "happy birthday." Even kids did it. Now, post-pandemic, it's up for grabs, but politely refusing a handshake is no longer considered rude.
Image: Silas Stein/dpa//picture-alliance
To kiss or not to kiss?
In more informal or personal settings, the handshake used to sometimes be accompanied by a kiss on both cheeks or on just one, but only among people who know each other relatively well. A hug was/is reserved for family members or close friends. The pandemic changed everything: the footshake and elbow-bump developed. Now, three years later, most people think twice about how to greet one another.
Image: picture-alliance/imageBROKER/F. Vogel
What to say: Du or Sie (you)?
German has a formal version for you, "Sie." Always address someone you meet for the first time in a formal setting with "Sie" to show your respect. The informal "Du" may be used in private settings upon meeting, but only among people of the same age or to a younger person. "Sie" is always used for someone older, outside of the family, until the elder invites you to use "Du" instead.
Image: Colourbox
Telephone etiquette
You also always use "Sie" when calling public places or requesting something formally on the telephone. Before doing anything else, introduce yourself: "Guten Tag, mein Name ist ..." Also, don't be startled when calling someone's home number or direct extension, and rather than saying "Hello?" they merely say their last name. It's the German version of telling you you've dialed the right number.
Image: picture-alliance/ dpa
Entschuldigen Sie bitte: Sorry
When bumping into someone you don't know or approaching an unfamiliar person to ask them something, you always say "Entschuldigen Sie!" or the shorter "Entschuldigung." To apologize for a minor disturbance, Germans are also known to use the English "sorry" — but it sounds more casual and it's not used as excessively as in many English-speaking countries.
Image: Axel Heimken/dpa/picture-alliance
Knock, knock
Knocking on a door to announce one's arrival is clearly not unique to Germany, but sometimes the manner in which Germans do it is. At someone's house door, you wait for them to open it up to you. But at a doctor's office, for instance, you may be sitting in an examination room and the doctor will knock or tap once and then immediately open the door, perhaps so you are not caught unawares.
Image: Westend61/imago images
Say it with flowers
Germans are often very thoughtful when it comes to giving gifts, especially to hosts. When invited to dinner at someone's house, you can take a bottle of wine, chocolate or bestow them with flowers. Passing on a bouquet is also standard for showing gratitude or gifting someone on their birthday, even someone you don't know well.
Image: picture alliance/dpa
Be punctual about it
Punctuality is obviously an absolute must for any formal meeting or appointment. In private settings in Germany, friends may forgive arriving a little late to a dinner date, but anything over 10 or 15 minutes could be considered rude. It's best to call or text and relay the delay.
Image: Cigdem Simsek/Zoonar/picture alliance
Leave it outside
Never in a formal setting, but in private contexts, Germans often take their shoes off immediately when entering their own or someone else's home. They'll either leave them on the front step, or when it's cold, park them in the hallway. Without all the trudging through the house with street shoes or boots, it's certainly more hygienic and saves on cleanup.
Image: Andy Dean/PantherMedia/picture alliance
The comforts of home
Once they've left their shoes at the door, many Germans slip into their Hausschuhe (house shoes). Not only a cozy practice, it can also symbolize that "you're home." Some Germans, especially those with kids, may take along slippers or extra socks when invited to a friend's house. It shows you're respectful of their space.
Image: Colourbox
Table manners
It's considered polite to keep both hands (but no elbows!) on the table while resting during a meal, and not holding one hand on your lap. Eating with the fork in your left hand and the knife in your right is also mannerly, not switching back and forth. You toast by holding the stem of a wine glass, not its globe. That also makes for a better ring!
Image: L. D. Gordon/Design Pics//picture-alliance
Silverware placement
While resting during a meal, you should prop your fork upside-down on the left side of the plate and your knife on the right, slanting downward, in an 8:20 clock position. Once you're done, you lay your knife and fork parallel across the right side of the plate, at the 4:20 clock position (photo) to signify to the waiter or your table guest that you have finished.
Image: dpa/picture alliance
Say it with style
German speakers, like the French, have a graceful expression for signifying the start of a meal. Rather than the long, slightly awkward "Enjoy your meal" that native English speakers use, or the rough patois of "dig in," "Guten Appetit!" is succinct and celebratory. It's also fun to say. This gallery is an updated version in March 2023 of one originally published in March 2019.
Image: Zarbor/Panthermedia/imago images
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Despite residing in Germany for nearly 30 years, there are still some things I cannot wrap my mind around. I may have married a German, pay German taxes, and have German(-American) children, but I guess my US mentality still shines through.
Like when it comes to personal space. I'll be standing in the supermarket, in front of a shelf full of products, deliberating over the selection, and inevitably a hand will slip itself in front of my face and grab an item from the row. Many Germans seem to not have any qualms about this at all, but it still takes me aback sometimes.
Thinking to myself: "That's just so rude!" I'll turn to the person, wanting to swat their hand, stare them down and ask: "Didn't your parents teach you any manners?!" But then I bite my tongue because to say that would be, well, just plain rude.
Or that Germans are, I hate to say, sometimes challenged by the notion of forming a line. It's like their minds — as a nation otherwise so good at engineering — are sometimes not equipped for this delicate configuration, this concept of placing your body behind that of the person who was there before you, with each having to wait their own turn. Mind you, they will form a line if there are ropes up, clearly demarcating the boundaries.
DW's Louisa SchaeferImage: DW/P. Böll
But, get them in a chaotic crowd where this is not laid out, say, at a Bratwurst stand at a boisterous outdoor street event where everyone is really hungry, and it's every man or woman for themselves.
I have stood at such a place often enough, patiently expecting for it to be my turn, and I have had countless Germans come next to me and place their order, pretending that I wasn't there before them if the server was busy with someone else and didn't notice.
I've learned to speak up, nay, shout at times: "But it's my turn!" — yet this prompts a feeling of being like a whiny child demanding justice. Having to sometimes elbow one's way ahead seems like a sport at times, being both irksome and simultaneously comic.
Some Germans like to ignore the concept of a queue, but others are also quite good at letting them know, so it's give-and-takeImage: picture-alliance/R. Schlesinger
Welcome honesty?
Also, Germans can be some of the most direct people I know. They'll often tell you exactly what they're thinking, without many of the — equally irksome — niceties many native English speakers will use to pad a statement.
In addition, do not expect to be asked a second and certainly not a third time if you would like another piece of cake at a birthday party. I was taught to initially turn the offer down, and only when prompted with the host saying "You're sure?" that you accept. No, a German will usually take you by your word, which can often be a huge relief.
Of course, I'm making massive generalizations. I have many good friends and acquaintances who can prove the above otherwise.
But, since generalizations are inevitable in our "Meet the Germans" series, here's another one to go: Germans are champions at handshaking. They'll do it at nearly every occasion you can think of: when meeting someone for the first time, of course, but also, when wishing someone "happy birthday." And, apparently, when they are unsure what else to do.
I was amused to observe my little three-year-old German niece the other day. After playing with my 10-year-old twins, it was time to say goodbye. She had played with my daughter amicably for several hours, so she naturally went up to my daughter and gave her a warm hug. But, uncertain what to do with my son (hug him or no?, I could see written on her face), she stuck out her tiny hand and gave him a formal handshake. It made me laugh, because it was cute, but it also made me think: "That's so German!"
Click through the gallery to get some tips and tricks on navigating social etiquette in Germany and discover our guide to small talk in the video below.