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Protesting Police Brutality in Nigeria

February 17, 2023

Nigeria, 2020. Tens of thousands of people are joining protests against brutal police violence. But the fight to abolish the country’s dangerous and corrupt Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) ends in bloodshed.

Nigeria I Proteste gegen PolizeiNigeria I Proteste gegen PolizeiNigeria I Proteste gegen Polizei
Image: Sunday Alamba/AP/picture alliance
Nigeria Lagos | Proteste gegen PolizeigewaltNigeria Lagos | Proteste gegen Polizeigewalt
Image: Benson Ibeabuchi/AFP

In 2020, the #EndSARS movement mobilizes young people in various Nigerian cities to take to the streets in protest. Peacefully, yet unflinchingly, they make their frustrations known. Their goal: the abolition of SARS - a special police unit that, officially at least, exists to combat theft. However, SARS‘ abuse of power and brutality is well-known.

Sendung Dokumentation "Nach dem Lekki-Massaker Polizeigewalt in Nigeria"Sendung Dokumentation "Nach dem Lekki-Massaker Polizeigewalt in Nigeria"
Image: Journeyman

On 20 October, the army opens fire on peaceful demonstrators at the Lekki toll booth in Lagos State. The brutal crackdown is documented live on social media. 
This film gives voice to Nigerians who refuse to give up the fight against SARS. Some of those interviewed witnessed the Lekki Massacre first-hand.

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DW English

FRI 17.02.2023 – 01:15 UTC
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MON 20.02.2023 – 09:15 UTC

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