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Experience a Three-Dimensional Germany via the Web

Deutsche Welle presents DW-3D

Deutsche Welle, Germany's international broadcaster, has launched a new virtual reality Internet community that takes users beyond reading, hearing and seeing into the third dimension of virtual chat and interaction. Located at http://dw-3d.de the new community comprises four life-like rooms and is targeted at an international audience looking for more than a virtual trip to Germany.

Says Guido Baumhauer, head of Deutsche Welle Online, "The Internet is about so much more than one-way communication. With DW-3D, we've created a space on the web that transports users to an online world that is based on the real one, making it almost as good as being there in person. DW-3D invites users to experience German art and culture through the Internet's third dimension."
The DW-3D entrance hall, also know as the Lapidarium, is modelled on a real building in Berlin where the DW-TV series Arts Unlimited is recorded.

Before entering users need to download a plug-in that will allow them participate in the 3D activities. Thereafter, participants can choose, and adopt a virtual persona, or so-called avatar. The figures up for choice range from spiky-haired to elegantly dressed women, and men in futuristic jump-suits.
Once logged onto the DW-3D community and having chosen a virtual representative, users can stroll through the interactive rooms and partake in various activities on offer. Best of all, one can see other avatars, wave hello, chat to and interact with them as one would in the real world.

Deutsche Welle's DW-3D site is a must visit for anyone interested in German arts and culture. Included in the offering are streamed concerts and other activities such as chats with luminaries, quizzes, and a "Kaffeestunde" (coffee break), a weekly chat in German which presents the perfect platform to practice language skills in a relaxed environment.

DW-3D is an online community consisting of four virtual rooms.

- Lapidarium.
This is the entrance hall that was modelled on the Water Pump Station (Abwasserpumpwerks), a real bricks-and-mortar building in Berlin. It serves as the information centre and is also the area where moderated chats like the German "Kaffeestunde" and a weekly live quiz occur.

- Gallery.
This is a virtual exhibition hall where visitors can view and interact with art works on display. It is currently used as the venue for a monthly picture quiz where users are presented with images from a featured European city. Users are asked to guess the name of the city based on a series of hints.

- Concert Hall.
As the name suggests, this is where various video and audio events are streamed live and on-demand.

- Multimedia Lounge.
Like lounges in the real world, this three-dimensional room has been created for users to explore, interact and relax in. Here visitors can watch DW-TV and listen to DW-RADIO. Moreover, users can play art related online games. For those visitors looking to practice their German skills, there is also a variety of book reviews in German.

DW-WORLD.DE is Deutsche Welle's newly positioned Internet presence. It is a multilingual and interactive web site with intuitive navigation and a unique content management system. For web users worldwide with a special interest in Germany and Europe, DW-WORLD.DE offers news, up-to-date information, analysis, background reports and documentaries in 31 languages. The multimedia spectrum of DW-WORLD.DE ranges from audio and video - live and on demand - to integrated text, audio and video components.

For further press information, kindly contact:
Donoven Gloy, DW-WORLD.DE
Tel: +49 (0)221 389 2614, Fax: +49 (0)221 389 2620
Email: Donoven.Gloy@dw-world.de

31 October 2002

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