Eating more plants and less meat would take pressure off land needed to feed a growing world, according to a UN report. Experts say organic farming alone is not the answer.
Beef takes up 75 times more land than tofu to provide the same amount of proteinImage: picture-alliance/blickwinkel/McPHOTO/J. Bitzer
The way food is grown around the world threatens 24,000 of the 28,000 species that are at risk of extinction, according to a report published Wednesday that calls on world leaders to urgently reform the global food system.
Plants and animals are dying out at a rate that is at least tens — if not hundreds — of times faster than the average over the past 10 million years, according to the report, which was published by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), British think tank Chatham House, and animal welfare organization Compassion in World Farming. The decline has mostly been driven by people destroying natural ecosystems to make space for cropland and pastures.
But world leaders could slow the accelerating loss of the planet's wildlife with simple steps: protecting more land, farming with fewer pesticides and monocultures, and shifting diets from meat towards plants. The scope of the first two solutions, the authors warned, depends on how much people change their diets and stop throwing food away.
"If our demand for food continues to increase, the more intensively we have to use the land that is left," said Tim Benton, an ecologist at the think tank Chatham House and co-author of the report. "It is about changing the way that we relate to food."
Growing fires in the Amazon rainforest threaten its stabilityImage: AFP/C. de Souza
About a third of all food produced is lost or wastedImage: picture-alliance/dpa/C. Charisius
Feeding the world
The food system sits at the heart of four worsening global crises: climate, extinction, hunger and obesity. With more than a third of the world's land used for agriculture, experts are grappling with how to feed a growing population more food that is healthy — while at the same time killing less wildlife and emitting fewer greenhouse gases.
For decades, environmental activists have held up organic farms, which avoid synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, as a nature-friendly alternative to conventional agriculture. Some farmers have turned to regenerative practices that store carbon dioxide in soils and make crops more resilient to storms and droughts.
But ecologists say there is a catch.
The organic dilemma
Because organic and regenerative farms typically yield less food per hectare than industrial farms, sustainable farmers need to use more land if they are to grow the same amount of food.
A 2019 study published in the journal Nature Communications found that adopting organic farming across the UK would, in fact, lead to more greenhouse gas emissions. Lower yields at home would be offset by imported food from croplands that would expand onto natural ecosystems.
In the US, a detailed lifecycle assessment of a regenerative farm found that its greenhouse gas emissions for each kilogram of meat were 66% lower than conventional alternatives, but took up 2.5 times more land, according to a study published in December in the journal Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
Organic farms have a lower environmental footprint but also have lower yieldsImage: DW/S. Derks
The orangutan is among thousands of species whose habitats are being destroyed to make room for croplandImage: Reuters/W. Kurniawan
Experts say there isn't enough land to feed the world and its growing appetite for meat through sustainable farms alone, even if they were built on marginal lands like degraded cropland.
The only thing that will allow us to farm in a sustainable way is changing our demand for food, said Benton. "That sounds horribly elitist, middle-class, 'let's all go vegan'," he said. But it could free up demand for land that could then be satisfied by sustainable farms.
Beef and a few other red meats, for instance, supply 1% of the world's calories but account for 25% of the emissions that come with changing how land is used, according to a study published in the journal Nature in January. To produce the same amount of protein as tofu, beef uses up 75 more times land.
In countries like Brazil and Indonesia, foreign demand for commodities drives companies to raze rainforests to grow soy for cattle and oil palm for cooking and use in processed foods.
In many cases, the food is not even eaten. About a third of all food made is lost during production or wasted.
Tackling climate change on the field
Farmers across Germany and many other parts of northern Europe are reeling from the impacts of the past few months of hot, dry weather. Some have accepted that change is here to stay and are considering how to adapt.
Image: DW/D. Bellut
Weathering the elements with water
Hans-Heinrich Grünhagen has an arable farm a 90-minute drive north of Berlin. He says he has noticed climate change in the extended growing period of his crops. While even a few years ago, he had to harvest his potatoes by early October, he says that has changed, because the frosts no longer arrive as early in the year.
Image: DW/T. Walker
A bag of spuds
Grünhagen expects to get at least this number of potatoes from each plant, but because they wither in temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit), keeping them healthy is not easy. The only option he has is to water them. Even so, this summer of extreme heat means he's looking at half his usual yield.
Image: DW/T. Walker
A whole lot of rye
He grows many different kinds of grain and says nothing about their harvest time has changed. Still, they sprout and grow earlier, making them more vulnerable to late frosts, which have not been eradicated by climate change. Where possible, he is now switching to crop varieties that can cope with more sun.
Image: DW/T. Walker
Bitten by the frost
Vintners are facing similar problems. In western Germany, warmer daytime temperatures in North Rhine-Westphalia's (NRW) wine-growing region coax vines into producing buds earlier than they used to. As with other plants, that makes them vulnerable on nights when the temperature falls below zero degrees Celsius. As they're particularly sensitive, once they've been bitten, they tend to die.
Image: DW/T. Walker
Bringing the grapes in
Long summers of extreme heat also make the grapes ripen much earlier, meaning they have to be harvested earlier. The higher temperatures affect their taste. But keeping them cool enough during the wine-making process requires a huge technological effort. When possible, vintners try to pick the grapes in the middle of the night or in the early morning before they've absorbed the warmth of the day.
Image: Reuters/R. Orlowski
A potential silver lining?
Some in the NRW wine-making community see the changing weather patterns as an opportunity to experiment with growing grape sorts that previously couldn't have weathered the German climate. But they don't want to lose their long-standing reputation for producing the white wines for which the region has become globally well-known.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/S. Willnow
Caring for the ground so it can take care of us
There are calls from within Germany's farming community to rethink the country's entire food production system and to put more emphasis on improving the quality of the ground on which the nation relies. Measures such as planting more trees and bushes to stop drying winds, and preventing excessive soil compaction through the use of heavy machines could help.
Image: Sarah Selig
How to be healthy
Healthy soil, says Felix zu Löwenstein, Chairman of the German Federation of the Organic Food Industry, has much to do with how much humus and how much life exists within it. The higher the content, the greater the soil's ability to absorb water, making it more resilient both in times of drought and extreme rainfall.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/S. Sauer
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Cheap, unhealthy food
The charge sheet ecologists have against industrial agriculture is long: destroying forest homes of endangered mammals like orangutans; killing bees that farmers rely on to pollinate crops; chopping trees that suck CO2 out of the atmosphere; and degrading soils that future generations will need to feed themselves.
But doctors, too, are worried.
Expanding farmlands raises the risk of zoonotic diseases crossing from animals to humans. Factory farms pump antibiotics into livestock that encourages the growth of bacteria that are resistant to treatment. And then there's nutrition.
The meat industry has come under scrutiny during the coronavirus pandemicImage: Imago Images/biky/M. Stepniak
Obesity rates have tripled in the last half century amid a rise in foods high in fat and sugars and a fall in physical activity, bringing greater risk of heart disease and some cancers. The World Health Organization has called on the food industry to reduce the fat, sugar and salt content of processed foods, and make sure that healthy choices are affordable to everybody.
"Our current food system is a double-edged sword shaped by decades of the cheaper food paradigm," said Susan Gardner, Director of UNEP's Ecosystems Division. It aims to make more food, quickly and cheaply, without considering the costs to biodiversity and health, she said.
But at the same time, cheap food prices and productivity increases in agriculture have given more people access to food, said Irene Hoffman, Secretary of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture at the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), who was not involved in the report. "Otherwise, our current food insecurity index would be much, much higher."
The world population has doubled in the last 50 years to 7.8 billion people. While food production has kept up, 1 in 10 people today still go to bed hungry each night. By 2050, when the population is expected to reach nearly 10 billion people, the competition for land will be even greater because of efforts to grow plants to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
The expansion of farmland and gains in productivity have kept pace with population growthImage: Luis Tato/AFP
Shifting diets from meat toward plants would improve health and hurt wildlife lessImage: Lim Huey Teng/REUTERS
A landmark study published in the medical journal Lancet in 2019 found that world leaders could feed 10 billion people and still stay within a "safe operating space on Earth" by radically changing food production and shifting diets.
And doing so, the authors found, would make people healthier.
A move to healthy, sustainable diets would involve eating half as much red meat and sugar globally, and twice as many nuts, fruits, vegetables and legumes. It would avoid more than 7 million premature deaths per year, as well as reducing pressure on nature.
This, in turn, this would also make the farms more resilient to shocks like climate change, disease and soil erosion, safeguarding food supplies for the future.
"There's often a tendency to play nature against agriculture, which is absolutely not the case," said Hoffmann. "Agriculture depends on biodiversity, it is shaped by biodiversity [and] it manages biodiversity."
7 ways helping the environment will benefit human health
From switching to clean energy and greener agriculture to promoting cycling and public transport — what's good for the planet is also good for our physical and mental well-being.
Image: Xu Jingbo/SIPA/Zuma/picture alliance
Link between CO2 and less nutritious food
Cutting greenhouse gas emissions would not only slow global heating, it would also ensure our food remains nutritious. When plants absorb excess CO2, they produce less protein and fewer nutrients like zinc and iron. Deficiencies in those nutrients can result in many health problems, especially in children. If CO2 keeps rising, hundreds of millions more people will face chronic undernutrition.
Image: picture-alliance/ZB/B. Pedersen
Clean energy equals clean air
Outdoor air pollution causes around 4.2 million deaths a year, due to illness like heart disease and lung cancer, according to the World Health Organization. Burning fossil fuels to power vehicles, homes and industry as well as agriculture and waste incineration is behind much of that pollution. Switching away from climate-killing fuels to green energy would benefit human and planetary health.
Image: Jewel Samad/AFP
A cure for collapsing biodiversity
Plant and animal species are declining at an unprecedented rate. But these species and the ecosystems in which they live provide the services central to all life on Earth, including our own. They deliver food, energy, clean air and water, and provide the basis for many medicines and livelihoods. Protecting the integrity of ecosystems ensures the health of communities around the world.
Image: Getty Images/D. Miralle
Greener transport for better health
More than half the world's population lives in urban areas, and that figure is rising. Those living in cities are already experiencing air pollution from road traffic and industry. Creating a greener transport network that includes trains, bikes and plenty of room for pedestrians would improve air quality, reduce noise pollution and traffic accidents as well as encourage a more active lifestyle.
Image: picture-alliance/Joker/K. H. Hick
Caring for the land
Driving biodiversity loss is the transformation of habitat for industrial or agricultural use, such as the destruction of forests in Borneo for palm oil plantations. Changing land use could be pushing the emergence and spread of infectious disease, while runoff from agriculture and industry pollutes water and air. Promoting protected areas and sustainable land use would help on both scores.
Image: picture-alliance/Mint Images/F. Lanting
Dangerous weather
Global warming is making extreme weather, such as super storms, wildfires, flooding and serious drought, more likely. According to the WHO, weather-related disasters cause more than 60,000 deaths a year, mainly in developing countries. Adaptation measures and limiting warming to well under 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels would lessen the health impacts and future death tolls.
Image: David McNew/Getty Images
Trauma of environmental breakdown
Destruction wrought by extreme weather can cause post-traumatic stress in those caught up in the events, particularly if people are forced to flee their homes and cannot return for some time. Climate and environmental breakdown are thought to be affecting the mental well-being of people around the world. Protecting nature and combating climate change would reduce the toll on mental health.