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NPD fined for faulty report

December 12, 2012

A German court has ruled that the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD) must pay a penalty of 1.27 million euros for submitting a faulty financial returns report in 2007. The decision was the third and final ruling.

ARCHIV - Eine Fahne mit dem Logo der rechtsextremen Partei NPD, aufgenommen am 26.04.2008 bei einer Demonstration in Stolberg bei Aachen. Die Innenminister aus Bund und Ländern beraten heute am Donnerstag (22.03.2012) erneut über die Erfolgsaussichten eines NPD-Verbotsverfahrens. Aller Voraussicht nach werden sie beschließen, die Vertrauensleute («V-Leute») des Verfassungsschutzes zumindest in den Führungsgremien der NPD «abzuschalten». In einigen Bundesländern ist dies bereits geschehen. Foto: Fredrik von Erichsen dpa +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Image: picture alliance/dpa

Instead of the 2.5 million euro ($3.27 million) fine demanded by the German Parliament, the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig ruled Wednesday for the NPD to pay a 1.27 million euro penalty for a false 2007 financial statement.

The decision by the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig was the third and final ruling.

Despite the mitigated fine, the decision was still a financial blow to the far-right party. In recent years, the party has logged heavy losses despite the fact that state funds have made up almost half of the NPD's total revenue.

Support to ban the NPD

The heads of Germany's 16 federal states unanimously agreed last week to push ahead with a legal bid to ban the NPD despite reservations from Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The Bundesrat, Parliament's upper house which represents the federal states, will vote on Dec. 14 on whether to file a case with the Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe.

The last attempt to ban the party was rejected in the Constitutional Court in 2003.

The NPD currently holds seats in two state parliaments: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony, both in eastern Germany.

Nationwide, the NPD polls well below the 5 percent hurdle required to guarantee parliamentary representation, though it is strong in some states and municipalities - especially in the states that comprised former East Germany.

hc/kms (AFP, Reuters, dpa, epd)

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