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Germany to contribute 42% more to EU budget: report

June 15, 2020

The European Commission would like to see €13 billion more per year from Europe's largest economy. EU leaders, including Angela Merkel, are meeting Friday to discuss the bloc's future budget.

A German and EU flag wave on flagpoles next to each other
Image: AP

Germany's annual contribution to the EU budget would increase by 42% based on the current proposal from the European Commission, German newspaper Die Welt reported Monday, citing government calculations.

The budget proposal, which covers EU finances for the seven years from 2021 through 2027, would have Germany contributing an average of €13 billion ($14.6 billion) more per year than it currently does, according to calculations from the country's finance ministry.

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Germany currently contributes an average of €31 billion a year to the EU budget. The proposal for the new budget would raise that contribution to €44 billion — an increase of 42%.

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According to Die Welt, the proposal from Brussels says member states need to contribute around 1.075% of their gross domestic production(GDP) — based on 2018 figures — to the budget over the next seven years, a total volume of €1.1 trillion.

The newspaper report was based on figures provided in response to a request from a German lawmaker from the business-friendly Free Democrats (FDP).

EU state and governing leaders will meet for a video conference on Friday to discuss the commission's budget proposal as well as the €750 billion coronavirus bailout that is to fall under the umbrella of the bloc's next seven-year budget.

kp/rt (dpa, Reuters)

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