Plot suspected
December 1, 2011
Harald Range, the head of the federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe, on Thursday said prosecutors have launched an investigation into whether Iran may be planning attacks on US military facilities in the event of an American attack on Iran.
"We have an investigation on this issue," Range told reporters.
German mass circulation daily Bild had reported earlier that Tehran had drawn up plans to attack US forces in Germany to disrupt logistics and supply lines in the event of a conflict. Bild said officers had already conducted a house search in early November in connection with the investigation but Range confirmed only that "operational measures" had been taken.
The chief of the Federal Police (BKA), Jörg Ziercke, said, however, that there was no immediate danger.
Neither Range nor Ziercke's office made any further comment. The US Embassy and US military said they are aware of the probe but it is against policy to comment on security measures. Germany is home to many US military facilities, including the Ramstein and Spangdahlem air bases.
Author: Dagmar Breitenbach (AP, AFP, dpa)
Editor: Michael Lawton