The long-awaited project has stalled since 2013 but has now cleared a major hurdle after Germany's Constitutional Court blocked an attempted injunction.
Image: Colourbox
Germany's top court on Friday threw out two injunctions attempting to halt the creation of a EU-wide patent court.
It brings the prospect of unified patents for inventors Europe-wide, within the EU's existing single market, a step closer.
Critics claimed that the Unified Patent Court (UPC) would erode German sovereignty.
Germany and the Unified Patent Court
The Karlsruhe-based Constitutional Court (BVerfG) ruling instead allows a 2017 bill, resubmitted to the German parliament and approved last November, to be signed into law soon by President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
Rejecting the spoiler injunctions, the BVerfG said Germany's Basic Law constitution specifically allowed the transfer of sovereign rights to the EU as long as "the dignity of the individual rooted in the democratic principle" was not violated.
The plaintiffs were told that their complaints were inadmissible for further hearing because they had "not demonstrated the possibility that their fundamental rights would be violated."
Currently 25 EU nations are signatories to the 2013 treaty to establish the UPC to oversee often lucrative patents of inventors and manufacturers who buy their rights to mass produce innovative products.
Compact Disc, DVD co-inventor: Dutch engineer Kees Schouhamer ImminkImage: EPO
Britain withdrew in July 2020 as part of Brexit.
Currently outside the intended UPC framework are Poland and Spain.
The situation for patents in Europe
Since 1977, the administrative European Patent Office has been based in Munich.
To handle future EU patent disputes, the UPC would establish a Court of First Instance in Paris and an appeals court in Luxembourg, with this jurisdiction having "exclusive competence" on patent issues and acting as a "common court" for the 25 signatory nations.
In 2016, the Justice Ministry (BMJV) under Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition government declared that creating the UPC was of "special economic importance for Germany" that would make it a keystone of EU patent efforts since the 1960s.
It would enable uniform patent protection in Europe, obtained inexpensively and efficiently in one patent court with effect for all participating EU member states, said the Berlin-based ministry.
German industry, which accounted for 40% of European patent approvals, would benefit from the improved protection of its inventions, the BMJV added.
Germany has a reputation for innovation, with countless groundbreaking inventions — from the modern automobile to aspirin and nuclear fission. But you probably didn't know these 10 things were also invented in Germany.
Image: picture-alliance/N. Schmi
Hole punch
It was once the king of the office, but digital storage has somewhat dampened its reign. But the canny hole punch was destined for greatness from the moment Matthias Theel dreamed it up and Friedrich Soennecken filed his patent on November 14, 1886. Alongside his other top invention, the ring binder, Soennecken's two-hole punch brought some percussive oomph to the otherwise sterile office setting.
Image: Ralf Hirschberger/dpa/picture-alliance
It's as invisible as it is ubiquitous. But the MP3 was once little more than a pie-in-the-sky idea until tech whiz Karlheinz Brandenburg had his eureka moment in the early 1980s. The MP3 — or MPEG-2 Audio Layer III — was a revolution in audio. It allowed files to be coded and compressed, and thus stored, played and transferred with ease — as file-sharing sites like Napster rapidly discovered.
Image: Fotolia/Warren Goldswain
Electric drill
It's inadvertently become the symbol of manhood and no serious garden shed is complete without one. While the electric drill was invented in Australia in 1889, it was the enterprising Wilhelm Emil Fein of Ludwigsburg who made it handheld and portable in 1895 — thus liberating the frontiers of masculinity forever. And it's been responsible for countless dodgy home repair jobs ever since.
Image: DW
During World War II Americans thought they'd hit Germany where it hurt the most, by putting an embargo on Coca-Cola imports. Never one to bow to a challenge, Max Keith — the head of Coca-Cola in Germany — decided to invent a new product for the German market, using local ingredients, including pomace (the remains of fruit) and whey. And so was born an iconic drink, aiding tooth decay since 1941.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/Sputnik/M. Blinov
Coffee filter
There is an invention in all of us, and in 1908 Dresden housewife Melitta Bentz seized her moment while pondering why her coffee was eternally so over-brewed and bitter. Realizing she could brew a more delicious cup by filtering out the loose grounds with an improvised paper filter, Bentz patented the idea and today the family company, Melitta Group KG, employs around 3,300 people.
Image: Imago/J. Tack
Adhesive tape
As if developing Nivea and Labello wasn't enough, pharmacist Oscar Troplowitz set his mind to inventing something which was so profound it would certify his legacy. And he found it in sticky tape. While the idea had already been explored, it was Troplowitz's invention of leukoplast, an innovative adhesive patch, in 1901 which was the game changer. DIY repairs would never be the same again.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa
While more widely associated with French chanson, the accordion was in fact dreamt up and designed in Berlin in 1822 by Christian Friedrich Ludwig Buschmann. Born in Thuringia, the craftsman reportedly invented the harmonica before turning his hand to something more iconic. The accordion would go on to conquer the globe, one street corner and busker at a time.
Image: Imago/ZUMA Press
Christmas tree
Finland may claim Santa Claus, but the Christmas tree belongs to Germany. Emerging during the German Renaissance, the "Tannenbaum" tradition began as a simple decorative expression of Christmas before going gangbusters in the late 19th century. While historically adorned with nuts, fruit and candles, today the once humble tree has become a kaleidoscopic symbol of one-upmanship between neighbors.
Image: Getty Images/J.Eisele
Modern football cleats
While the prototype football cleat was invented in Britain, it was Adidas founder Adolf "Adi" Dassler who invented the modern boot with the game-changing screw-in stud technology in 1954, no doubt aiding a West German victory in the World Cup that same year. Older brother Rudolf Dassler of rival Puma wasn't amused, as he also claimed the innovation.
Image: picture-alliance/Pressefoto Ulmer
It's equally loved and loathed, and has made for many an anxious dash across town. Invented by Friedrich Wilhelm Gustav Bruhn in Berlin in 1891 for industrialist and motorcar pioneer Gottlieb Daimler, the taximeter has been heightening blood pressures ever since. But with the advent of Uber, will taximeters be a thing of the past? Not if impassioned taxi unions get their way.