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Germany's Baerbock talks Ukraine with US counterpart

September 15, 2023

Annalena Baerbock and Antony Blinken have reiterated their continued support for Kyiv following talks in Washington. Germany's top diplomat is in the US ahead of next week's UN General Assembly.

Annalena Baerbock and Antony Blinken
Baerbock said the US and Germany were 'good friends'Image: Thomas Koehler/photothek/picture alliance

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock met for talks on Friday with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington.

At a joint press conference following their meeting, Blinken said the two countries were "deeply committed to continuing the strong support" to Ukraine as it pushes on with a counteroffensive against Russian forces.

He stressed that Ukraine needed military, economic and humanitarian support, not only in the short term but also in the longer term as it builds up its military and seeks to develop a strong economy.

Baerbock echoed those sentiments, saying Germany was prepared to support Ukraine "for as long as is necessary."

"It's not just about sending weapons to Ukraine, it's also about the humanitarian aspect — protecting infrastructure, and bringing back children who have been kidnapped and taken away," she said.

"Nobody in this world wants to get used to a brutal war of aggression."

Baerbock to attend General Assembly

Baerbock's next stop is New York, where she is to attend next week's UN General Assembly with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Baerbock kicked off her US trip on Tuesday in Texas. She met with the state's Republican governor, Greg Abbott, and visited an air base where German fighter pilots are trained.

On Thursday, she held talks with Republican members of Congress in Washington.

"I have heard Republican voices that had many questions with regard to Ukraine support," Baerbock said, but added that many also commented "that they realize how important continued support for Ukraine is for us Europeans, and for Ukraine itself, of course."

Some Republican lawmakers have been pushing for spending cuts, including a stop in funding for Ukraine.

nm/sms (dpa, AFP)

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