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Greece: Strong earthquake strikes Athens

July 19, 2019

A 5.1 magnitude earthquake has struck Greece, northwest of the capital. A seismologist appealed for calm but warned residents to be prepared for aftershocks.

People evacuated from a building in Athens (REUTERS/Alkis Konstantinidis)
Image: Reuters/A. Konstantinidis

A 5.1 magnitude earthquake struck Greece about 25 kilometers (15 miles) northwest of Athens on Friday, followed by a series of aftershocks. People filed into the streets as some buildings were evacuated.

Two people were lightly injured from falling materials, officials said late Friday evening.

"The situation is gradually subsiding," said Nikos Hardalias, general secretary for civil protection. 

"The city withstood this and can handle it. There is no cause for concern." 

Greek authorities also confirmed minimal damage to infrastructure in the capital. 

Aftershocks expected

Seismologist Gerassimos Papdopoulos appealed for people in the capital to remain calm, but said "they must be psychologically ready for more aftershocks."

The earthquake appeared to have knocked out phone and cellular service across Athens.

Emergency services said they had received calls from people who were trapped in elevators. Some buildings had incurred minor damage, and many cars in the streets had been hit by falling masonry.

Efthymios Lekkas, head of the state anti-quake protection agency, told ERT that Athenians should not be concerned because "the capital's buildings are built to withstand a much stronger earthquake."

Authorities also confirmed that the Acropolis, a collection of ancient Greek buildings including the Parthenon, had survived the earthquake without damage.

es, jns/jm (AFP, dpa)

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