Green Living Made in China # 04.06.2012 # Global 3000 # englisch
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June 4, 2012
China may be not be known for its green credentials, but this week we bring a story about Chinese visionaries who have designed what could be an environmentalist's dream. Within a few years, a polluted industrial wasteland is to be turned into a new home for some 350,000 people - and all in harmony with nature. The ecocity - located some forty kilometers from the center of Tianjin - is a collaborative project between the Chinese and Singaporean governments and is set for completion by 2020. Solar panels cover the roofs of many of the buildings along with rainwater collection systems. The houses are built so they can be naturally ventilated - staying warm in the winter and cool in summer. The ecocity is powered by a small plant with solar cells and geothermal energy.