Hillary Clinton to release first novel 'State of Terror'
Manasi Gopalakrishnan
October 11, 2021
The fiction debut of the former US presidential candidate with mystery author Louise Penny has again stirred a discussion on what prompts politicians to write fiction.
Hillary Clinton has co-authored her first novel with mystery writer Louise Penny (right)Image: Evan Agostini/Invision/AP/Jean-Francois Bérubé/AP/picture alliance
Hillary Clinton, former US secretary of state and presidential hopeful in 2008 and 2016, is releasing her latest book and first work of fiction, a thriller called State of Terror, which she co-authored with Canadian mystery writer Louise Penny.
Announcing the release of the novel earlier this month, Clinton wrote on Twitter, "My first foray into fiction! It was a labor of love with my friend (and favorite mystery author) Louise Penny, and I can't wait for you to read it."
Out on Tuesday, State of Terror, published by Simon & Schuster and St. Martin's Press, and by Harper Collins in Germany, is a novel set in present-day United States. It features female protagonist Ellen Adams, a former media magnate who is inducted into the Cabinet of the new US president, Douglas Williams. As secretary of state, Adams must unravel a global terror conspiracy involving Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran with the help of a foreign service employee of Lebanese origin and a US-Pakistani journalist.
Book cover: 'State of Terror'
'A lasting legacy'
Clinton has already penned several nonfiction books, including It Takes a Village (1996), Living History (2003), Hard Choices (2014) and What Happened in 2017, following her electoral defeat to former President Donald Trump. State of Terror, her first work of fiction, has triggered a renewed discussion on why political leaders write novels.
Jacob Appel, a New York-based author, book critic and expert in psychiatry who has studied the psychological and physical health of American presidents, said that just like any other writer, political leaders write books because they want to leave a lasting legacy.
"Political fame and fortune are often transient, so I imagine there is appeal in creating a work that may endure beyond any administration or cabinet. Candidly, politicians are often more concerned about their public legacies than most people, so writing plays perfectly into their psychological needs," he said.
Literature Nobel Prizes that caused a stir
One of the most important awards in literature, the Nobel Prize was first given out in 1901. The 2018 honor was postponed. It wasn't the only controversy in the award's history.
Image: Getty Images/AFP/J. Ekstromer
2018: Resignations over a #MeToo scandal
Until 2018, the Swedish Academy's 18 members technically held the position for life. That changed when three group members stepped down in protest against the Academy membership of poet Katarina Frostenson, whose husband is accused of sexual harassment. Academy secretary Sara Danius (photo) and Frostenson also left shortly afterwards, leading to the decision to postpone the 2018 award.
Image: Getty Images/AFP/J. Ekstromer
1989: Resignations in support of Salman Rushdie
While the famous author of "The Satanic Verses" never won the Nobel Prize in Literature, some members of the Swedish Academy felt their organization should denounce Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's fatwa calling for Salman Rushdie's assassination in 1989. The Academy refused to do so, and three members resigned in protest.
Image: Imago/I Images/D. Haria
He didn't comment for weeks: Bob Dylan
He became the first singer-songwriter to obtain the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016, shocking quite a few literature purists. Then Dylan didn't even seem that interested by the recognition. He didn't show up at the awards ceremony and simply sent a brief thank-you speech instead of the traditional Nobel lecture. He finally collected his prize in Stockholm in March 2017.
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A late tribute to his first novel: Thomas Mann
Thomas Mann received the prize in 1929, but it wasn't for his most recent work, "The Magic Mountain" (1924), which the jury found too tedious. The distinction instead recognized his debut novel, "Buddenbrooks" — published 28 years earlier. Time had apparently added to its value. The jury said, it "has won steadily increased recognition as one of the classic works of contemporary literature."
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Too many people: Elfriede Jelinek
When she was honored with the prize in 2004, Austrian author Elfriede Jelinek also refused to go to the awards ceremony. "I cannot manage being in a crowd of people. I cannot stand public attention," the reclusive playwright said. The Swedish Academy had to accept her agoraphobia, but she did, at least, hold her Nobel lecture — per video.
Image: Imago/Leemage/S. Bassouls
Couldn't accept the prize: Boris Pasternak
The Soviet author, world famous for his novel "Doctor Zhivago," obtained Nobel recognition in 1958. However, Soviet authorities forced him to decline the prize; he wouldn't be able to re-enter the country if he went to the Stockholm ceremony. Even though he followed his government's orders, he was still demonized afterwards. His son picked up the award in 1989, 29 years after the author's death.
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'Not literature': Dario Fo
When Italian comedian and playwright Dario Fo won the prize in 1997, the announcement came as a shock to many literary critics, who saw him as just an entertainer and not a real literary figure with an international standing. The satirist fired back with his Nobel speech, which he titled "Against jesters who defame and insult."
Image: Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images
Literature, not Peace: Winston Churchill
Although British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1945, he actually obtained the award for his written works — mostly memoirs, history volumes and speeches — in 1953. The jury praised "his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values."
Image: picture-alliance/AP-Photo
Did he want the money?: Jean-Paul Sartre
The French philosopher and playwright was awarded the 1964 Nobel Prize in Literature, but he declined it, saying that "a writer should not allow himself to be turned into an institution" by accepting official honors. It was rumored that he later asked for the prize money anyway — but that story was never confirmed.
Image: picture alliance/AP Images
The youngest winner: Rudyard Kipling
Winning the award in 1907 at the age of 41, British author Joseph Rudyard Kipling, best known for "The Jungle Book" (1894), remains the youngest Nobel laureate in literature to this day. However, his legacy has since been marred by the fact that Kipling, who spent his early childhood and some of his adult life in India, vehemently spoke out in defense of British colonialism.
Image: Getty Images/Hulton Archive
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The tradition of politicians writing fiction goes back to Ignatius Donnelly, according to critic Colin Dickey, who writes in Politico. Donnelly was a Minnesota congressman in the 1880s who wrote a novel called Caesar's Column in 1890. The dystopic novel, which became quite popular, focused on technological changes in the future.
In 2003, Jimmy Carter published The Hornet's Nest: A Novel of the Revolutionary War, becoming the first US president to publish a fiction novel. More recently, former President Bill Clinton co-authored The President Is Missing in 2018 with James Patterson and The President's Daughter, which came out in June. Joining this year's big political names in fiction is Democrat Stacey Abrams, whose novel While Justice Sleeps was released in May.
In Germany, politicians and books almost go hand-in-hand, with one of the most notable authors being former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. A prolific writer, he authored books including The Balance of Power (1971) and The Powers of the Future. Winners and Losers in the World of Tomorrow (2004). Former Chancellor Willy Brandt, who was also a journalist, published several titles, including Arms and Hunger in 1986 and My Life in Politics in 1992.
However, fiction is not a popular genre among the politically-oriented in Berlin. Current Green Party co-chair Robert Habeck is an exception, having co-authored several novels including Hauke Haiens Tod (Hauke Haien's Death, 2001) and Zwei Wege in den Sommer (Two Paths To Summer, 2006) with his wife, Andrea Paluch.
Epidemics in literature
Boccaccio, Defoe and Camus: Over the centuries, many world famous writers have told stories involving deadly infectious diseases.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/M. Hiekel
Thomas More: 'Utopia' (1516)
On a faraway island, a sailor discovers an ideal society: There is equality among the locals, it is democratic, ownership is communal. It was the opposite of life in England at the time. And: there were no epidemics, unlike England that had suffered from the plague more than once. The above photo shows Dresden Semper Opera dancers as "Utopians" in a musical theater project based on More's novel.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/M. Hiekel
Giovanni Boccaccio: 'The Decameron' (1349-1353)
Seven women and three men flee the plague to a country house near Florence. As cruel as the descriptions are at the beginning, the 100 novellas in the collection are surprisingly entertaining. To pass the time, each of the fugitives determines a topic per day and everyone has to tell a corresponding story. Subtle or crude, tragic or comical — a whole world unfolds.
Image: picture-alliance/imageBROKER/O. Stadler
Francis Bacon: 'New Atlantis' (1627)
Bacon envisioned a utopian island by the name of Bensalem, home to the people of the lost city of Atlantis. They are very involved in research and science, and inventions including the submarine, wind turbines and hearing aids are anticipated on "New Atlantis." Foreign seafarers were initially quarantined to protect islands from possible diseases.
Daniel Defoe: 'A Journal of the Plague Year' (1722)
Daniel Defoe, five years old and whisked away to the countryside to keep him safe during the Great Plague in London, relied on eyewitness accounts and meticulous research for his description of the devastating events. Defoe tells the tale of a city in a state of emergency, faced with hysteria, superstition, unemployment, looting and fraud.
In Camus' "The Plague," a doctor by the name of Bernard Rieux describes how first rats die of the plague, followed by thousands of citizens in the Algerian port city of Oran. Everyone takes a different approach to the fight against the Black Death, but in the end, it kills the innocent and the ruthless alike.
Image: Getty Images/P.Baz
Stephen King: 'The Stand' (1978)
A mutant virus breaks out of a military research laboratory and kills almost the entire US population. Only few are immune, left to assert themselves in a depopulated world with a collapsed infrastructure. Two groups — basically the "good" and the "evil" — emerge, both headed by charismatic leaders.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/K. Ohlenschläger
Jose Saramago: 'Blindness' (1995)
The inhabitants of a nameless city go blind all of a sudden. To prevent the spread of a potential disease, they are housed in an empty psychiatric ward, and attended to by a doctor and his wife, played by Mark Ruffalo and Julianne Moore in the 2008 film of the same name (picture). The situation quickly escalates, but in the greatest chaos, some people regain their eyesight.
Image: Imago Images/Cinema Publishers Collection
Philip Roth: 'Nemesis' (2010)
The novel is set in Newark, New Jersey in the summer of 1944 during a severe outbreak of polio. It recreates the terror, fear, poor information and feeling of powerlessness among the population faced by a paralytic disease that mainly affected children, crippling one child after the next. A vaccine wasn't available until 1955.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/F. Khan
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Powerful leaders, bad novels
But while books by Bill Clinton and Stacey Abrams have topped charts, others like Carter's The Hornet's Nest have failed to woo readers. "Unfortunately, politicians often assume that because they are gifted at public speaking or fundraising or running a country, they will also be good at telling a compelling story," said Appel.
Some political leaders have been successful, though. Jeffrey Archer, a former UK member of Parliament, for example wrote dozens of hugely successful novels including Kane and Abel (1979) and The Fourth Estate (1996). Democrat John Grisham, who was elected into the Mississippi House of Representatives in the 1980s, has also enjoyed immense success as a novelist with books such as A Time to Kill (1989) and The Pelican Brief (1992). But these are more exceptions than the rule.
"My understanding is that Churchill urged potential readers to avoid his only novel. I certainly wouldn't recommend the novels of the former Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, as great literature," said Appel, referring to the former British prime minister and Nobel laureate Winston Churchill, who won the prize for literature for his biographical and historical works.
The unknown side of Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill wasn't only Great Britain's prime minister but also a writer and artist. His paintings, spanning forty years, have been auctioned at Sotheby's and exhibited at the Günter Grass House in Germany.
Image: Getty Images
Churchill's last work in oil
Winston Churchill turned to painting around 1914 but by 1962 he had all but stopped. Churchill's bodyguard Edmund Murray encouraged the aging statesman to take up his paintbrushes one last time. As a subject, Churchill chose his estates goldfish pond, where he spent Sundays with his grandkids. He gifted the work to Murray. "The Goldfish Pond at Chartwell" earned 357,000 GBP at a Sotheby's auction.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/Sputnik/A. Mcnaughton
Politician, painter, writer
British politician Winston Churchill (1874-1965) likely rarely suffered from boredom. When he wasn't painting in his free time, he was writing books about politics or history. In 1953, he received the Nobel Prize for Literature. Churchill is pictured here in 1956.
Image: Günther-Grass-Haus
Churchill's art in Germany for the first time
"Winston Churchill. Writings. Speeches. Pictures" was the succint title of the exhibition in the Günter Grass House in Lübeck in northern Germany. From late 2016 through early 2017, the museum displayed 11 of Churchill's paintings. The show reveals the lesser known sides of the former British prime minister and amateur painter.
Image: DW/A. Drechsel
Inspiration in his own garden
Churchill kept a number of animals on his property in Chartwell, located south of London in the English county of Kent. Among them were black swans, which he particularly admired. They were his inspiration for this oil painting.
Image: DW/A. Drechsel
Vacations in southern France
Churchill bought his paints from a Swiss paint maker named Willy Sax. The two men became friends and traveled together to southern France. But Churchill's painting of a bridge in Aix-en-Provence wasn't created in France. Instead, the statesman painted it in his studio, based on a photo taken by Sax.
Image: DW/A. Drechsel
Ruins as a symbol for a destroyed Europe
This painting of temple ruins was probably created in 1934. In 1956, Churchill gave it to German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer — Germany's first leader after World War II. It recalls the destruction in Europe and the spirit of the antiquity, says Jörg-Philipp Thomsa, the director of the Günter Grass House.
Image: DW/A. Drechsel
The words of a Nobel Prize winner
Along with 11 paintings, the Lübeck exhibition is also displaying numerous writings and speeches by the former British prime minister. Churchill was the author of over a dozen books. His speeches still evoke emotion and his thoughts about Europe couldn't be more relevant today.
Image: DW/A. Drechsel
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The former Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, is also believed to have written four romantic fables, including Zabibah and the King and The Fortified Castle, and a book of poetry in the late 1990s.
Why write fiction?
Do politicians write fiction because they can play with their fantasy and exert more control over the narrative, unlike in real life? Appel doesn't think so. "They may think it does, but I'm doubtful. What I do think is that readers and critics can often learn about the psychological makeup of politicians through their writings," he said.
Book critic Colin Dickey's argument is similar. "How a politician structures that fictional universe reveals a lot about his or her worldview," he wrote in 2018, elaborating that ultimately, a lot of newer novels by political leaders reduce their stories into a binary of good against evil.
So, if narrative control is not the ultimate intent of a former politician turned author, what is? "I do think politicians write to stay in the public's mind," said Appel. "Not necessarily because they think this will get them elected in the future — I doubt Hillary Clinton thinks she'll get more votes someday if someone thinks she's a gifted novelist — but because they enjoy the limelight and believe that they have stories worth sharing."
Money talks
Jacob Appel works at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New YorkImage: Jacob Appel, New York, 2020
US Republican Newt Gingrich adds a new dimension to why leaders like himself are motivated to write fiction. The former speaker of the US House of Representatives has written alternate history novels such as Pearl Harbor (2007) and Gettysburg: A Novel of the Civil War (2003), and knows exactly what he wants from writing novels.
Speaking to The Wall Street Journalin May, Gingrich said he has three goals in mind while writing books: "One, educate the reader about something significant. Two, educate myself. And three, make a little bit of money."
And money as motivation goes beyond party loyalties. "Bill Clinton doesn't write a novel to get his name better known… He writes a novel because if you combine him and his co-author, they're going to sell a tremendous number of books," Gingrich said.