In Senegal, democracy strengthens climate protection
September 26, 2017Project goal: Supporting civil society engagement in shaping climate policy and mitigation
Project implementation: The Green Climate Fund — Civil Society Readiness: Focus Africa finances projects that support civil society engagement in climate adaptation
Project size: Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Senegal
Project financing: €1,199,757 from the German Environment Ministry
Rising sea level, drought, flood and erosion: those bearing the brunt of such climate change impacts are often those with the least say in climate policy. In Senegal, local government has set out to change this, and women's groups have come to the fore in preparing their communities for the impact of global warming. NGO Enda Energie (supported by Germanwatch), Dynamique Femmes Association and other local players are having a say in everything from building dams to planting mangroves. The projects are financed through the Green Climate Fund, which aims to strengthen civil society in Africa by adapting to and fighting climate change.
A film by Gerlind Vollmer