Ramesh Chandra promised his wife, Manju, on their wedding day two decades ago that he would take her to Maha Kumbh Mela, a Hindu religious festival in India. This year, after saving every penny they could over the last few years, the farming couple from the poor eastern state of Odisha made the 36-hour journey to the banks of the Ganges River in Prayagraj.
"It was my dream to come to Kumbh Mela," Chandra said. "If not for Manju, we would not be here today. She planted this dream in my heart. I consider my wife a goddess who inspired me to take this holy journey."
Over 400 million people are expected to make a similar pilgrimage at this year's Kumbh Mela festival, which runs until February. Pilgrims will wade into India's famous rivers to wash away sins from their previous lives.
DW's Adil Bhat and Richard Kujur followed Ramesh and Manju Chandra on their spiritual journey.