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Is Global Warming Gone for Good?

September 16, 2013

Some climate researchers now say that the earth's atmosphere hasn't heated up significantly during the past 15 years. This has sparked a debate about whether climate change has come to a halt.

Bildnummer: 58765708 Datum: 16.11.2012 Copyright: imago/CHROMORANGE Arctic Circle PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxONLY kbdig 2012 quer Arktis arktisch nordpol draussen ausserhalb außen außerhalb eis eisberg eisberge eisscholle eisschollen packeis gefroren eingefroren einfrieren kalt kaputt gebrochen bricht zerbrochen meer salzwasser natur niemand keiner seelandschaft seeblick meerblick tag tageslicht umwelt 58765708 Date 16 11 2012 Copyright Imago Arctic Circle Kbdig 2012 horizontal Arctic Arctic North Pole outside Outside exterior Outside Ice Iceberg Icebergs Ice floe Ice floes Ice frozen frozen freeze cold broken broken breaks broken Sea Salt water Nature Nobody None Zealand Lake Sea view Day Daylight Environment
Image: imago/chromorange

Tomorrow Today decided to investigate and visited climate researchers at the University of Hamburg. They're looking at the role of the oceans in climate change, and say sea levels continue to rise each year.

Is Global Warming Gone for Good?


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