Language tests keep spouses from joining loved ones
April 25, 2019
One in three foreigners seeking to join a spouse in Germany is unable to do so because they fail to pass a basic language test. The failure rate was especially high for applicants from Iraq.
Nearly a third of foreigners seeking to join their spouses in Germany fail to pass a German language test in their homeland, preventing them from joining their partner.
Only foreigners who pass a basic German test in their country of residence are allowed to move to Germany to join a spouse. The regulation does not apply to EU citizens, Americans, Israelis, highly qualified individuals and spouses of recognized asylum-seekers.
From 'Ampel-Aus' to 'Flüchtlinge': Germany's 10 past words of the year
"Ampel-Aus" or "traffic light shutdown," referencing Germany's coalition collapse, is the 2024 word of the year. A look at the political buzzwords selected by the Association for the German Language over the last decade.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/J. Büttner
2024: 'Ampel-Aus'
Germany's three-party coalition of the SPD, the Greens and the FDP — parties represented respectively by the colors red, green and yellow — is known as the "traffic light coalition." The coalition breakdown in November 2024 went down in history as "Ampel-Aus," or "traffic light shutdown." It was selected by the Association for the German Language as the political buzzword of the year.
Wars, inflation, the climate emergency: There are many issues to worry about. "The crisis mode is a permanent state," said one German politician in a 2023 debate on how the COVID pandemic was managed. "Krisenmodus," or "crisis mode" was the Association for the German Language's selection that year.
Image: Ohad Zwigenberg/AP Photo/picture alliance
2022: 'Zeitenwende'
"Zeitenwende," literally "times-turn," refers to a historic turning point: The term was used by Chancellor Olaf Scholz in a parliamentary address held in reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. With its WWII history, Germany's postwar defense policy had been rather cautious, but in this geopolitical context, the country would need to significantly increase its military budget.
Image: Christophe Gateau/dpa/picture alliance
2021: 'Wellenbrecher'
A plausible choice in times of an ongoing pandemic, "Wellenbrecher" (literally wave breaker) is a term that comes from coastal protection — it means breakwater. It also stands for all the measures that were taken to break the fourth COVID-19 wave that year, said the German Language Association, which has been selecting Germany's word of the year since 1977.
Image: Fotolia/Joshua Rainey
2020: 'Corona-Pandemie'
The COVID-19 pandemic was, of course, the leading topic of the year 2020, and that's why the German word of the year was none other than "Corona-Pandemie" (corona pandemic). The runner-up word selected by the jury was also related to the pandemic: "Lockdown."
Image: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa/picture alliance
2019: 'Respektrente'
Planned changes in German pension laws in 2019 were set to put many workers at a disadvantage by retirement ("Rente"), so the bill was disparagingly dubbed "Respektrente." The term won over expressions "Rollerchaos," referring to the chaos created by the sudden invasion of electric scooters in German cities, and "Fridays for Future," the English name for a worldwide school climate strike movement.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa
2018: 'Heisszeit'
The term "Heisszeit," or warm age — as opposed to an "ice age," which sounds quite similar in German, "Eiszeit" — was chosen as the word of the year in 2018, reflecting not only Germany's extreme summer that year, but climate change as as whole.
Image: picture alliance/dpa/B. Roessler
2017: 'Jamaika-Aus'
"Jamaica coalition" refers to the symbolic colors of three parties in German politics: black for the conservative CDU/CSU, yellow for the neoliberal FDP and green for the Green Party. In 2017, coalition talks went on for weeks, but then came to an abrupt halt. This was "Jamaika-Aus," or Jamaica Out.
Image: picture alliance / Frank Rumpenhorst/dpa
2016: 'postfaktisch'
During the United States presidential election campaign, and after Donald Trump's victory in the fall of 2016, the word "postfaktisch" or post-factual came into common usage to denote the spread of fake news. Even then-Chancellor Angela Merkel used it. The term comes into play when public opinion is formed by emotion and resentment, rather than objective facts.
Image: DW
2015: 'Flüchtlinge'
Refugees — undoubtedly, no other issue had a bigger impact in Germany in 2015, when the Syrian civil war brought nearly a million refugees into the country. Runner-up was "Je suis Charlie," for expressing solidarity with the victims of the terrorist attack against the French satirical journal Charlie Hebdo. No. 3 was "Grexit," which referred to the possible expulsion of Greece from the eurozone.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/M. Hitij
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According to data provided by the government to a parliamentary inquiry from the Left Party and shown to the Funke Media Groupon Thursday, last year 16,200 out of 48,130 test-takers failed to pass the Deutsch-1-Test.
Many applicants came from Turkey, Russia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Thailand, Vietnam and Iraq. The failure rate among Iraqi applicants was particularly high at almost 50%.
"Basic language skills" are defined by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) as the ability to understand simple sentences, introduce oneself, go shopping and ask directions. A person should also be able to fill out official forms.
The opposition Left Party criticized the regulations for spousal reunification as "completely unrealistic."
The language test only serves "to keep families separated from each other for many years," Left Party parliamentarian Gökay Akbulut told the Funke Media Group.
Planning a trip to Germany? Then learn these useful expressions first. They might just be more helpful than your travel guide.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/R. Weihrauch
Ich habe Jetlag und brauche Schlaftabletten.
"I have jetlag and need sleeping pills." Depending on where you're coming from, jetlag can be fierce when you arrive in Germany. Fortunately, pharmacies can be found on nearly every corner here. (They're separate shops and are not located inside supermarkets or drug stores.) Just look for a sign with a big red "A" for "Apotheke."
Image: Gina Sanders -
Ich übernachte in einer Airbnb-Wohnung im Hipster-Viertel.
"I'm spending the night in an Airbnb apartment in the hipster neighborhood." Keep this phrase especially handy for Berlin. While the house rental service has taken flak among locals for driving up rents in the capital, it's still a popular option for visitors. Looking for the hipster neighborhoods? Try Kreuzberg or the northern part of Neukölln.
Image: picture alliance/Wolfram Steinberg
Lohnt es sich, Neuschwanstein zu besuchen?
"Is it worth visiting Neuschwanstein?" Sure, sometimes it's fun to play the tourist - and yes, the Bavarian castle is worth a trip during the less busy off-season. But when you're in Germany, be sure to spend some time away from the sights. Take a long walk on the Rhine River in Cologne, mingle with the locals in a corner kebab joint in Hamburg, or learn to surf in Munich's English Garden.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/K. J. Hildenbrand
Ich hätte gerne einen Latte Macchiato mit Sojamilch.
"I'd like a latte with soy milk." Yes, gourmet coffee drinks have arrived in Germany, too. For vegans, hipsters and lactose-intolerant coffee lovers, you're likely to find soy milk in many urban specialty coffee shops. While we would call it just a "latte," you'll usually find the steamy drink with the Italian word "macchiato" attached - meaning "stained" or "marked" by espresso streaks.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa
Darf ich zahlen, um Ihre Toilette zu benutzen?
"Can I pay to use your restrooms?" Only ask this question in cafes or shops, not at someone's home. It's common to pay for restrooms inside of restaurants and department stores, even if you're a customer. If you're out and about and have to go, it can be hard to find a public restroom. If it's very urgent, you may have to offer 50 cents for the favor at a cafe if you're not a guest there.
Image: picture alliance/ZB
Wo finde ich die coolsten Turnschuhe in der Stadt?
"Where can I find the coolest sneakers in town?" Sneakers are in - especially in capitals of cool like Berlin. To find a pair to take home, you can always try the Mall of Berlin or the Alexa mall on Alexanderplatz. But for a less mainstream selection, try Münzstrasse in the Mitte distrinct. And if you just want to people watch and admire the footwear, head to Oranienstrasse in Kreuzberg.
Image: Getty Images/A. Rentz
Wie streng sind die Türsteher vor dem Club?
"How strict are the bouncers at the club?" If you want to enjoy Germany to the fullest, then indulge in some nightlife while you're here. Drinking beer and wine is legal at 16, though you have to be 18 to consume anything harder than that. So unless you're a minor, it shouldn't be a problem getting in - as long as you're wearing shoes and a shirt and your outfit suits the club's style.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/B. Marks
Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem guten Katerfrühstück.
"I'm looking for a good hangover breakfast." Breakfast after a night out includes the same thing the world over: plenty of grease. On weekends, many Germans like going out for brunch, and the classic brunch includes a few good hangover remedies, such as scrambled eggs and salami sandwiches. But if you want fried potatoes and sausage, you'll have to look for a British or American breakfast place.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/A. Schmid
Dieser Zug verspätet sich wegen einer Oberleitungsstörung.
"This train is delayed due to a defect in the overhead wiring." That's one of many possible reasons for a longer-than-expected train ride and certainly a common one. Compared to other countries, German trains are relatively punctual, but - despite the clichés - don't be surprised if you arrive later than planned.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/B. Marks
Mein Koffer hat (kein) Übergewicht.
"Mein suitcase is (not) overweight." Depending on how much you've indulged in German sausage and cakes (not to mention Latte Macchiatos), you might end up leaving Germany with a few extra kilos. But if you want to avoid extra airline fees, your suitcase should not. It might be best to stock up on digital photos as souvenirs, rather than cuckoo clocks.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/R. Weihrauch
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"Learning the language in Germany would be much easier, cheaper and less burdensome for those impacted," she added.
However, the government's integration commissioner, Annette Widmann-Mauz of the conservative Christian Democrats (CDU), defended the regulations.
Foreigners need to have basic language skills when they arrive "so that they can find their way around from the very beginning and become established in society," she said.
8 German words about time
Daylight saving may or may not come to an end in the EU, but until that really happens, here are some interesting German words dedicated to time.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa
This is what happens every year in October and March: Zeitumstellung, or time change. Many people hate it, but others see Zeitumstellung as a reminder that even if we are all bound by time, twice a year we act like we can change it. In Europe, it could all disappear in the future, following an EU vote on eliminating it. But let's wait and see... Negotiations on the topic have apparently stalled.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa
Many other German expressions integrate "Zeit," the word for time. A "Zeitschrift" — literally, time writing, is simply a magazine. Whether it includes political discourse or scantily clad women (now with nipples covered), theoretically a magazine should keep up with the times.
Image: Getty Images/J. Kempin
While Zeitgeist can also be used in English, its direct translation — time spirit — conjures up images of Charles Dickens' Ghosts of Christmas Past and Present. Referring to the philosophical idea that each era is characterized by particular ways of thinking, the concept of Zeitgeist dates back to 18th-century philosophers and is often associated with Johann Gottfried Herder.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/Jens Wolf
Like time itself, food is elementary to the human existence. A "Mahlzeit" simply means "meal time," and can refer to breakfast, lunch or dinner. But it's also used to wish someone else the maximum amount of pleasure while eating. Next time you see a friend chomping down on a sandwich, you can say, "Mahlzeit!"
Image: Fotolia/Gennadiy Poznyakov
It's often referred to as the happiest day of your life. In German, it's also a "high time" — a "Hochzeit." Who isn't high on adrenaline and emotion on that day of all days, on which your credit card debt reaches an all-time high? And for some impatient mothers-in-law, it certainly may be "high time" for that son to finally get hitched.
Image: Fotolia/tramp51
It's "pickle time!" I'll have a BLT and some chips with that pickle, please... Actually the term "Sauregurkenzeit" originally, in the 18th century, referred to periods when little food was available. Now, it's used during the summer when everyone's on vacation, politics comes to a standstill, the streets are empty, and things get quiet. Pickle anyone?
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/Patrick Pleul
While "Genosse" means "comrade" and has a communist after-taste, a "Zeitgenosse" is anyone who lives at the same time you do: a contemporary. Just think: You are a "Zeitgenosse" of Angela Merkel, Heidi Klum and Cristiano Ronaldo. Your co-worker may not cheer, though, if you tell him he's your "time comrade."
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/K. Nietfeld
German often has a single word for a concept English needs a phrase to express. "Zeitgefühl" is your sense of time — something that suffers when you're concentrating on an important project, staring into the eyes of your sweetheart, or changing the clocks back for daylight savings. Your Zeitgefühl may say it's 8:00 am, but it's really only 7:00. So go back to sleep already!