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Lisa Zeumer's fact sheet

Lisa ZeumerSeptember 20, 2015

German by birth, but African by choice: Lisa's heart beats for the Africa. A voluteer in Uganda, Lisa says she has everything in life that she needs.

Generation 25 Protagonist Lisa Zeumer

What is your name?
Lisa Zeumer

Where and when were you born?
On June 23, 1989, in Lutherstadt Eisleben

What is your current place of residence?

What is currently on your mind? Send us a tweet about your life (140 characters).
I'm currently helping as a volunteer on humanitarian projects in Uganda. If you want to look for me here you'll find me in Katosi and Kampala. I feel preoccupied with Europe's refugee crisis and the rise of right-wing elements in Germany, like PEGIDA.

What are you proud of?
I'm proud of my family and friends, who have always supported my choices and decision throughout my life. I'm also proud of getting to work with such a great NGO as the Katosi Women Development Trust, where I meet wonderful people. I'm proud of the work that I do here in Katosi and in Kampala, which includes workshops and reports on sanitation at primary schools.

What are you ashamed of?
Right now, I feel ashamed of the way that Europe and Germany are dealing with refugees and of all the racist movements back home.

Tell us about an image that will never be erased from your memory.
I will never forget one particular moment from my 2013 trip to South Africa, where I stood on top of Table Mountain in Cape Town and just enjoyed the view. That image of the clouds slowly pouring over the edge of this giant rock will be with me forever.

If you could choose one person to meet, dead or still alive, who would this be and why?
If it were possible I would love to meet Nelson Mandela. He was an incredibly inspiring person and left a big impression on me with his policy of reconciliation.

How would you express your personal spirit using three Emoticons?

What would have happened if the Berlin Wall had never come down?
Our county would simply feel incomplete. Personally, I think I would have missed out on a number of precious experiences I've had. I wouldn't be who I am now if Germany hadn't reunified.

Which song is currently at the very top of your playlist?
"Never Been Loved" by Maurice Kirya

What is your favorite video on YouTube?
I rarely get to see any videos on YouTube, which is why I couldn't say what my favorite clip might be. But I will say that I found Anja Reschke's commentary on the news in response to Europe's refugees pretty well done.

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