Life in Frankfurt (Oder)
March 7, 2012"A bus should go here" was the slogan on the poster that students held on the night of December 20, 2007. They were demonstrating in favor of a bus line connecting the two adjacent border cities Frankfurt (Oder) in Germany and Slubice in Poland when the border controls between the two countries were abolished due to the expansion of the Schengen Agreement. They expressed what many others were thinking too, and turned their thoughts into actions. From special bus services, summer parties and exchange forums, the student committee represents the needs of all those who come to study in Frankfurt (Oder). And all this happens under the motto "Students set an example."
Study here, live in another country
The international, self-managed dormitory Verbuendugshaus FForst has also developed by students taking the initiative. This East German style concrete-slab building, designated for demolition at some point in the past, is located halfway between the university and the Polish border. These days, movie nights, concerts, exhibition and cooking classes take place here. The student union's five dormitories provide accommodation for around 1,250 students. An even cheaper option is to live on the other side of the border, where the partner university in Poznan offers its own accommodation.
From Kleist to the dance floor
Since 1999, Frankfurt (Oder) has carried the official title "Kleiststadt" or "City of Kleist", because poet Heinrich von Kleist studied here at the start of the 19th century. High-culture lovers will enjoy a visit to the riverside museum dedicated to him. Meanwhile, even though Frankfurt (Oder) may not be known for its abundant nightlife, it still has a decent number of bars and cafes in the city center. The Grotte student club in Lindenstrasse has been a popular meeting spot for a few years now, and the Kamea club/lounge is a place where you can dance until dawn. Whoever wants to find out exactly what's going on in town can refer to the student events calendar "Calendrina."
Good connections to Berlin
In case someone gets bored of local entertainment, there's always the option of taking a trip to Berlin. The journey to the German capital takes only one hour by train, and doesn't cost anything extra if you have your student ID handy.
Author: Ronny Arnold