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Majorcan-style sea bream

September 23, 2014

This recipe comes to us from the Spanish Island of Majorca

Recipe: Majorcan-style sea bream


1 sea bream (800g – 1kg), cleaned and scaled

4 potatoes

1 onion

6 cloves garlic

1 red bell pepper

2 tblsp parsley

4 tblsp olive oil

1 tsp sweet ground paprika

1 glass white wine

1 tblsp pine nuts

1 tblesp raisins

300g fresh spinach

Ingredients for Tomato Sauce:

1kg ripe tomatoes

2 dried red bell peppers

4 cloves garlic

salt and pepper to taste


Tomato Sauce:

Finely chop the tomatoes and garlic. Soak the dried red peppers, seeds removed, in cold water for one hour. Then sauté peppers, tomatoes and garlic in two tablespoons of olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and allow to reduce.

The Sea Bream:

The fish must be gutted, scaled and washed. Then cut the fish into pieces of equal size, and include the head and bones.

Peel and boil the potatoes.

The Vegetables:

Chop one onion, one fresh red bell pepper, six garlic cloves and the parsley, and sauté in olive oil. Add the sweet paprika and the glass of white wine. Simmer until somewhat reduced. Then add raisins, pine nuts and the washed spinach. Simmer for 15 minutes. Then add the tomato sauce and stir. Set aside.

Slice the potatoes into four or five thick slices and place them in a casserole dish. Briefly sear the fish pieces on both sides, then place them on the potato slices. Pour the sauce over the fish and potatoes. Bake for 15 minutes in an over preheated to 180 degrees celsius.

Decorate before serving with chopped parsley and paprika.

Guten Appetit!

This recipe comes to us courtesy of chef Johnny Moloney from

ca n' Eduardo restaurant.

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