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Making Polish nature accessible for people with disabilities


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February 4, 2025

For people with disabilities, getting around can be tough. When it comes to nature, it can be even tougher. A Polish foundation has enlisted the help of people with special needs to make nature reserves more accessible.

About five million people in Poland have special needs. For many, getting around towns and cities can be a daily struggle. For those who want to get out and enjoy the rich and diverse nature the country has to offer, it can be even more difficult.

Now, a Polish foundation is trying to change all that. It has invited a group of people with disabilities to assess how accessible some nature reserves on Poland's Baltic coast actually are and to make suggestions to the respective municipalities on how accessibility could be improved. The hope is that the existing infrastructure will be adapted to accommodate people with disabilities.

DW tagged along with Monika, a 26-year-old wheelchair user, and her team on one of their assessment trips.

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