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Mediterranean Journey - Morocco

September 21, 2022

At the end of their Mediterranean journey, Sineb El Masrar shows Jaafar Abdul Karim her parents’ country. In Morocco, the two visit Tangier’s souk and its old city, with its view across the strait of Gibraltar to Europe.

ZDF/ARTE Dokumentation " Eine Reise am Mittelmeer - Marokko"

Sineb then travels on alone. She meets an animal rights activist, helps out in a women's cooperative and hears the famous female "Hadra" singers in Chefchaouen, known as "The Blue City". After securing the right to sing in public, they have made female Sufi chanting famous far beyond Morocco’s borders.


Again and again, Sineb finds evidence that Morocco has its sights set on progress. The kingdom is undertaking an energy revolution, aiming to generate more than 50 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030. For now, the Moroccan-made electric car is still a test project. But engineer Kawtar Benabdelaziz sees e-mobility as the future -- and not just in her own country.


Back in Tangier, Sineb and Jaafar look back on their travels around the Mediterranean. One thing is clear: its coastline contains multitudes. With its distinctive mix of European, Arabic and African communities, the Mediterranean’s richness lies in its diversity. 

Broadcasting Hours: 

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SUN 30.10.2022 – 00:03 UTC

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MON 31.10.2022 – 04:15 UTC 
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SUN 30.10. 2022 – 09:30 UTC 

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