Amid a fierce debate on the best attributes of German culture, a popular tabloid has printed Chancellor Angela Merkel's A-Z list. But she admitted that there are probably as many answers as there are residents.
Image: picture alliance/dpa/M. Reichel
Ahead of the upcoming federal elections in September, Chancellor Angela Merkel has joined the nationwide discussion on German identity and what truly makes the country unique.
While many clichés including Bratwurst and Oktoberfest are mentioned in her list of almost 100 key points, the German leader also singled out less-popular pastimes including choral singing and mushroom-picking.
10 very German passions
Admittedly, not all Germans are deeply enthusiastic about these cultural habits — but you shouldn't be surprised if you meet one who is.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/O. Berg
Road rules
As an adult, you may feel you can take your own risk and cross on a red light when there aren't any cars. However, in Germany, you shouldn't be surprised if you hear someone yelling at you: "It's RED!" Often, cyclists, pedestrians and car drivers all feel the need to "educate" their fellow road users.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/J. Stratenschulte
It's a cliché, so might as well get it out of the way: Only the Czechs drink more beer on average than the Germans. It's not that every German likes beer, but it's just so socially established. An older woman drinking a pint at noon will not be seen as an alcoholic. And any German beer fan knows extremely creative methods to open a beer bottle without an opener.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa
The binder is a German invention, and this might help explain why Germans are so fond of keeping their records. Yet even the most chaotic person will quickly find out that keeping any official document is a necessity in Germany. You actually need them more often than you'd think. Despite digitalization, German bureaucracy also remains surprisingly reliant on good-old paper forms — stacks of them.
Image: Colourbox/M. Chab
It's a country where discounter stores often serve as supermarkets for all classes of society. People who are always searching for the best deals are called "Schnäppchenjäger," or bargain hunters. The mentality is ingrained in many Germans, allowing this advertisement slogan, "Geiz ist geil!" — being stingy is sexy — to become part of pop culture.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/M. Murat
If you're to meet any other tourists in a remote area of, say, the Middle East, they could well be middle-aged Germans in high-tech hiking gear. Passionate travelers, Germans are everywhere. Many prefer to stick to established habits, though. A favorite is the Spanish island of Mallorca, nicknamed "Malle." "Ballermann 6" (pictured) is a particularly famous bar known for its excesses.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa
Schrebergärten - garden colonies
The Germans who prefer to stay in the city throughout the summer might be doing so because they have a garden in one of the country's 1.4 million "Schrebergärten," which are colonies divided into plots with a little shack. There, they can work on their flowerbeds, barbecue or line up garden gnomes. Germany, however, strictly regulates these allotments, and each colony also has its own rules.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/H. Schmidt
The German nudist movement was the first worldwide, developing at the end of 19th century through clubs promoting "Freikörperkultur," or FKK, which translates as Free Body Culture. It became especially widespread in former East Germany, and not only in nudist camps. To this day, you shouldn't be surprised to see naked people in parks or around lakes in the eastern part of Germany.
Image: picture-alliance/ dpa
There's no exact translation for this German tradition: "Stammtisch" initially referred to a table reserved for regular clients in a pub, where they'd often play a card game called skat or discuss politics. The discussions weren't always elaborate, though, leading to the expression "Stammtischniveau" (Stammstisch level). Now, Stammtisch is also a regular meet-up organized by any imaginable group.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/A. Weigel
Most Sunday evenings, nearly 10 million Germans tune in to the TV series "Tatort" (Crime Scene), which has been continuously running since 1970. Regional public broadcasters take turns producing episodes, so investigations are set in a different city each time. As it's more fun to watch with other people, many pubs organize screenings. Tweeting during the show is another popular option.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/S. Hoppe
Cake every day
The "Kaffee und Kuchen" (coffee and cake) tradition allows Germans to eat cake any afternoon, like British teatime - although most people now indulge in this treat on weekends only. You're also expected to show up with a cake for your colleagues on your birthday. Children sometimes start theirs with cake for breakfast, then bring one to school and get a third one for their party with friends.
Image: imago/imagebroker
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Giving an example of the strong sense of duty that many Germans feel, Merkel highlighted the Kirchensteuer - an 8-9 percent extra church tax that is deducted from religious followers' salaries.
Built on Basic Law
Early in her A-Z list for the tabloid Bild, Merkel paid tribute to Article 1 of Germany's Basic Law, which states that the dignity of man is absolute and that the state has an obligation to respect and protect it.
The Bundeswehr (Germany's military) was also singled out along with federalism, while the German economic miracle and the country's position as a world leader in exports were lauded too.
The key role played by Germany's Bundeswehr (armed forces) in preserving peace and security were highlightedImage: Reuters/F. Bensch
The chancellor said modern Germany had been built on a Christian-Jewish tradition, but the importance of Islam and Germany's Muslim communities also featured in her list. Merkel's A-Z didn't shy away from other sensitive topics either, including the country's perpetual responsibility for the Holocaust.
German food
Among the German delicacies mentioned by Merkel were Butterbrot (buttered bread), Pflaumenkuchen (plum cake) and beef roulade with red cabbage.
She also singled out German punctuality along with the term Ernst des Lebens (the serious side of life). She was also reminded of the importance of Bruckentag, the bridging day between a public holiday and the weekend that many Germans take as part of their annual leave.
The national football team were included in Merkel's A-Z list of what it means to be GermanImage: picture alliance/augenklick/GES/M. Gilliar
And of course, no A-Z list of Germany would be complete without a mention for the Nationalmannschaft - the national football team - who won the 2016 World Cup.
Leitkultur debate
The nationwide debate about German identity arose out of the migrant crisis in 2015/6, which saw around 1.5 million asylum seekers arrive in Germany in just 18 months, leading to a great deal of soul-searching about how to integrate so many foreigners at once.
In April, Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere published his Top 10 list describing "German Leitkultur," or a German dominant culture, which sparked controversy among his political opponents.