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Most Germans expect post-summer COVID curbs

July 4, 2021

Only 16% of Germans think there'll be no new lockdown by the end of the summer vacation season, according to a new survey. However, the chancellor's chief of staff thinks new curbs are "out of the question."

Cafe terrace with people in Heidelberg
76% of people expect COVID infections to rise and for new restrictions to be imposed in the fallImage: Winfried Rothermel/picture alliance

Three-quarters of German residents expect a rise in coronavirus infections and new restrictions on public movement in the fall, according to a survey published Sunday.

Research firm YouGov found that 76% of respondents expect an increase in the number of COVID-19 infections and for pandemic measures to be tightened during the autumn period.

Only 16% think there will be no new COVID restrictions.

In Germany, the 7-day incidence, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. fell below 5 on Saturday for the first time in about eleven months, data from Germany's Robert Koch Institute for infectious diseases showed.

On Sunday, however, it rose slightly for the first time in weeks to 5.0.

The coronavirus figures for Europe are also rising again, according to the World Health Organization.

Lockdown for fully vaccinated 'out of the question'

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's chief of staff Helge Braun said on Friday that there would be no new lockdown for vaccinated people even in the case of a new coronavirus wave — but only if the vaccinations prove effective against COVID variants.

"As long as our vaccination works very well, a lockdown at the expense of those who are fully vaccinated is out of the question," Braun told German public broadcaster MDR.

"Those who are vaccinated can enable normality — visits to concerts as well as going shopping," he added.

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