Turkey's founding leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan were both listed as enemy targets in a NATO joint military exercise. NATO has apologized for the gaffe and blamed it on an underling.
Image: picture alliance/dpa/AP Images/K. Ozer
NATO apologized on Friday for naming enemy targets in a military computer training exercise after Turkey's beloved founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and its current President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
A "chart of enemies" depicted Ataturk and named Erdogan, the president told members of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Ankara. Erdogan said he decided to withdraw all 40 of his troops involved in the exercise in protest.
NATO's website describes the Trident Javelin exercise in Stavanger, southern Norway, as a "computer assisted exercise without troops on the ground," meant to improve command structures for large operations. It was organized by the multi-national Joint Warfare Centre led by Major General Andrzej Reudowicz of Poland.
Turkish-US relations have soured despite President Donald Trump's hosting of his "friend" President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Washington in May. DW traces what led to the allies having their worst spat in five decades.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/AP Photo/E. Tazegul
Jovial gestures belie multiple disputes
May 16, 2017: Trump welcomes Erdogan to Washington, saying both presidents have a "great relationship" and would make it "even better." Erdogan congratulates Trump on his "legendary" 2016 election win but complains bitterly about US arming of the Kurdish YPG militia, claiming that its inclusion in the US-led campaign against IS in in war-torn Syria provides a cover for Kurdish separatism.
Image: Reuters/K.Lamarque
Melee becomes further irritant
May 17: As Erdogan ends his visit, Voice of America video footage emerges showing his guards assaulting Kurdish protesters outside the Turkish ambassador's residence in Washington. A month later, US authorities issue arrest warrants for 12 members of Erdogan's security detail, who had long returned to Turkey. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says the assaults breached "legitimate" free speech.
Image: picture alliance/AP Photo/Voice of America
First anniversary of coup attempt
July 15, 2017: Turkey marks the first anniversary of the failed coup attempt. In a post-coup bid crackdown 50,000 people were arrested, accused of links to the US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, an Erdogan ally-turned-rival. Tens of thousands more face job suspensions. The refusal of the US to extradite Gulen has been a major sore spot in relations.
Image: picture-alliance/abaca/M. Cetinmuhurdar
Turkey 'uneasy' about US arming of Kurdish militia
August 23: US Defense Secretary James Mattis visits Ankara as the Pentagon stresses US commitment to bilateral relations and "honest dialogue." Mattis had just visited Iraq to assess the anti-IS campaign. Erdogan tells Turkish media that Turkey will thwart any attempt by the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) to establish a "terror corridor" in northern Syria through to the Mediterranean.
Image: picture-alliance/AA/K. Ozer
Turkey arrests US consulate employee
October 5: Turkish authorities arrest Metin Topuz, a Turkish national employed at the US consulate in Istanbul. He is formally charged with espionage and collaboration in the 2016 coup attempt. The US embassy in Ankara subsequently says it is "deeply disturbed" by the arrest. It's reportedly the second since March, when a Turkish US consulate employee was arrested in Adana.
Image: picture-alliance/AP Photo/N. Elden
US and Turkey suspend their respective visa services
October 8-9: The United States suspends its issuance of non-immigrant visa applications to Turkish nationals, saying it has to "reassess" Turkish readiness to respect security at US diplomatic missions. Turkey suspends its visa services for US nationals and summons another staffer at the US consulate in Istanbul.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa,AP
Attempts to make amends
November 6: The US Embassy in Ankara announces that it is reinstating its visa program for Turkish tourists on a "limited" basis after receiving assurances from the government that no employees will be detained "for carrying out official duties." Shortly thereafter, Turkey confirms that it is also resuming visa services for US citizens one day before Prime Minister Yildirim visits Washington.
Image: picture-alliance/AP Photo/B. Ozbilici
At odds over Russian missiles
December through August, 2018: In December, Turkey announced it would buy the Russian S-400 missile system, which is incompatable with NATO systems. The US Congress has included a provision in a defense bill that would cut Turkey out of the F-35 fighter jet program if it moves forward with the S-400 deal.
Image: Getty Images/S. Barbour
Release the pastor ... or else
August 1, 2018: The US sanctions Turkey's interior and justice ministers over the continued detention of pastor Andrew Brunson. Brunson had been moved from prison to house arrest in late July, but that fell short of US demands for his immediate release and end to terror and espionage charges. Brunson was arrested almost two years ago.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/AP Photo/E. Tazegul
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"I apologize for the offense that has been caused. The incidents were the result of an individual's actions and do not reflect the views of NATO," said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, a former Norwegian prime minister, in a statement.
"Turkey is a valued NATO ally, which makes important contributions to allied security."
Stoltenberg blamed the incident on a civilian contractor seconded by Norway, saying it was up to Norway to discipline the offender.
Tensions between Oslo and Ankara flared in March, when Norway granted political asylum to five Turkish officers who had refused to return home after the failed July 2016 coup in Turkey.
Turkey has the second-largest army in NATO and shares land borders with Syria, Iraq and Iran, giving it great strategic importance for the military alliance. But Ankara has been drifting away from the alliance and the European Union, causing the relationship to become fractious.