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Discover the Elbe Valley

July 31, 2012

The German state of Saxony is a favorite tourist destination in eastern Germany. With breathtaking natural settings and architectural treasures, there's something for everyone.

The German state of Saxony is a favorite tourist destination in eastern Germany. With breathtaking natural settings and architectural treasures, there's something for everyone.
Image: picture-alliance/ZB

In this edition of Discover Germany, we approach Saxony during a tour along the Elbe River. From Bastei Bridge, a natural stone span that is one of the most popular sites in the region of Saxon Switzerland, we explore the rock climbing and hiking paradise known as the Elbsandsteingebirge.

Dresden's famous Church of Our Lady, or Frauenkirche is a must seeImage: picture alliance/dpa

The view over the Elbe to Saxony's state capital, Dresden, is picturesque. As many as 1.7 million visitors come each year to see a unique ensemble of baroque architecture - including the Church of Our Lady, or Frauenkirche, and the Zwinger. Among the cultural gems and artworks that can be seen in the Zwinger are masterpieces of Italian art, such as Rafael's Sistine Madonna.

A few kilometers downriver, we come to the town of Meissen, where the Albrechtsburg castle can be seen from far and wide. More than 1,000 years old, Meissen is known to many as the "Cradle of Saxony." It is also famous for its porcelain, which bears the well-known Meissen trademark of crossed, blue swords on its base.

The Zwinger palace was built on the site of a former fortressImage: AP

Click on the video below to join ballet student Maria Zimmermann for a tour of Dresden. She recommends visiting the Brühlsche Terrasse, the park surrounding Albrechtsburg castle and the Brauhaus am Waldschlösschen.

Recommended - Three Tips for a Trip to Dresden


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From Visit Germany

Editor: Kate Bowen

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