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Of tidal flats and ballot papers


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September 23, 2017

The people who live on the Frisian island of Langeneß are pretty headstrong. About 100 people live there -- they don't care for big-city life at all. But they're taking the upcoming federal election very seriously.

The people who live on the Frisian island of Langeneß are pretty headstrong. They have to be: when a major storm sweeps over their North Sea home, it can often cause serious flooding. About 100 people live on the island -- and they don't care for big-city life at all. But as Germany debates the political fate of Angela Merkel and Martin Schulz, and the rise of the AfD, the people of Langeneß want to make sure that their voices are heard. Reporter Axel Rowohlt travels to the island to see what the local residents have to say. Of Tidal Flats and Ballot Papers A Report by Axel Rowohlt