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Quadriga - International Turmoil – New World Disorder?


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March 27, 2014

Die Annexion der ukrainischen Halbinsel Krim durch Russland hat das internationale Machtgefüge erschüttert. Das Verhältnis zwischen Russland auf der einen und den USA und der EU auf der anderen Seite ist zerrüttet. Die NATO-Mitglieder rücken näher zusammen. Selbst China überdenkt seine Außenpolitik. Die Krise in der Ukraine hat die Brüche in der globalen Ordnung offen gelegt.

How should the international community deal with Russia? For most Western governments, the answer is clear: Vladimir Putin is not a reliable partner. But Russia cannot be ignored either. As Russia builds up its troop presence on its border with Ukraine, NATO has been reiterating its commitment to members such as Turkey, Poland, Romania and the Baltic states. The West continues to threaten to impose economic sanctions on Russia, if there are further acts of aggression from Moscow.

Image: picture-alliance/dpa

Even the Chinese government, which typically backs Russia on matters of foreign policy, has been reserved about Putin's actions in Ukraine.

Image: Reuters

But Russia could seek to fight back against the international pressure by projecting its influence in other conflict regions, such as in Syria or Iran.

Image: Reuters

So is the Crimea crisis the beginning of a new era in international power relationships?

Tell us what you think: International Turmoil – New World Disorder?


Our guests:

Michael Stürmer – He is the senior correspondent at the German daily "Die Welt". He studied History, Philosophy and Languages in London, Berlin and Marburg. Stürmer taught History at Erlangen University and was a visiting professor at Harvard, Toronto, the Sorbonne and Bologna. In the 1980s Stürmer served as a political advisor to German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. He is the author of several key works on German, European and Russian history and politics.

Ramesh Jaura - born in India, he began his career as a journalist in 1964. He then moved to Germany where he worked as a journalist and global affairs observer combining professional pursuits with creating public awareness about the global dimensions of local, national and regional challenges confronting humankind, and increasingly focussing on the need for fostering culture of peace. He has worked for several years as international correspndent of Inter Press Service. Since 2009, he serves as global editor of the Globalom Medai group's IDN-InDepthNews, South Asian Outlook e-monthly and Global Perspectives, a magazine for international cooperation.

Judy Dempsey - After training as a journalist in Ireland, Ms Dempsey embarked on an international career: From the 1980s to early 1990s she reported from Eastern Europe. In 1996 she took over the Financial Times' bureau in Jerusalem where she remained until 2001. Judy Dempsey has won numerous awards for her work, including the Anglo-German Prize and the Foreign Press Association Award. She was a Columnist for the International Herald Tribune and works now as a Senior Associate at Carnegie Europe and editor-in-chief of Strategic Europe.

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