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Saddle of Venison with White Pepper Sauce and Potato-Parsley Puree

Delicious with these side dishes - Game Gravy, Potato Parsley Puree, Cherry Compote, White Pepper Sauce. A speciality of Austria's most popular restaurant, the Pfefferschiff.

Image: dw-tv

Saddle of Venison with White Pepper Sauce and Potato-Parsley Puree:

Image: dw-tv

Ingredients for 4 people:
480g saddle of venison without skin, tendons
Salt, pepper and spices for game
Clarified butter, butter
2 Tbsp cranberries
100ml red wine
100ml port wine
50g butter
200ml white pepper sauce
400 potato parsley puree
100ml white pepper sauce
200ml cherry compote

Where necessary bind the venison. Season with game spices, salt and pepper. Fry the filet in clarified butter and roast in the oven for 15 minutes at 100 degrees Celsius until medium (when centre reaches 55 degrees Celsius). Keep warm until served.

Game Gravy:
For 10 people. The rest can be frozen for later use.

2kg game bones and off cuts
2 carrots
100g celleriac
4 onions
2tbsp tomato paste
500ml red wine
125ml port wine
Bay Leaves, rosemary, thyme, game spices
2tbsp corn starch
2tbsp cranberries
50g bacon
2l water or good quality chicken or veal stock
80g butter

Fry the bones, off cuts and bacon in oil. Add vegetables and tomato paste and douse four times each with red wine and port. Fill up with water/stock. Bring to boil and scoop out floating foam. Add herbs and spices and simmer for two hours. Strain. Thicken with corn starch and simmer for ten minutes. Season with salt, pepper and game spices. Add the cold butter. Remove excess sauce and store as required. Add red wine and port to the sauce needed and reduce. Add cranberries and stir in butter. Season.

Side Dishes:

Potato Parsley Puree:
400g mashed potatoes
60g creamed parsley
Truffle oil if required
Salt, pepper and nutmeg

Mix ingredients together.

Cherry Compote:
Ingredients for 4 people
450g sweet or bitter cherries
375ml red wine
300ml port wine
225ml cassis
1 vanilla pod
15g starch
10g ginger
Juice of 1 + 1/2 oranges, 1 + 1/2 lemons, half a vanilla pod and cinnamon stick
15g honey
30ml cherry brandy

Wash and stone cherries. Put cherry juice in preserving jar. Mix stones with juice, red wine and port and bring to boil. Leave to stand for 20 minutes and strain. Add cassis, vanilla and cinnamon and bring to boil. Dissolve starch in orange and lemon juice, use to thicken cherry juice and reduce to 750 ml. Pour the hot liquid over the cherries. Close jar and leave to stand for at least 12 hours.

White Pepper Sauce:
Ingredients for 4 people
60ml port wine
80g shallots
40g leeks
250ml chicken stock
125ml whipping cream
10 black pepper corns
15 green pepper corns in brine
4cl cognac
Salt, cayenne pepper
10g butter
Clarified butter

Fry shallots and leeks lightly in clarified butter. Add pepper corns. Flambé with cognac and douse with port. Reduce. Add chicken stock and cream. Simmer for ten minutes. Strain and add butter. Season and put to one side.

Arrange meat with parsley puree, cherries, gravy and whipped pepper sauce.


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