Sara Nuru's fact sheet
September 20, 2015 What is your name?
Sara Nuru
Where and when were you born?
On August 19, 1989, in Erding
What is your current place of residence?
What is currently on your mind? Send us a tweet about your life (140 characters).
The current refugee crisis shows us more than ever that Europe needs to share the responsibility - it's not just each country for itself.
What are you proud of?
Of the TEDx talk I will be holding soon.
What are you ashamed of?
There's nothing I am really ashamed of.
Tell us about an image that will never be erased from you memory.
My first trip to Ethiopia as ambassador for the organization "Menschen für Menschen." Thousands of people took the road for hours to welcome us. I'll never forget the way they all cheered when we arrived.
If you could choose one person to meet, dead or still alive, who would this be and why?
The civil rights activist and musician Nina Simone was way ahead of her time. I would have loved to have seen her live. Long after her death, she still moves people with music today.