New offspring for the Copernicus family! The Earth observation satellite Sentinel-6 is scheduled to be launched on November 21. Its superpower: Sentinel-6 can monitor the ocean with millimeter precision.
Image: Esa/Airbus/dpa/picture alliance
Does Sentinel-6 already know what an ungrateful — but also very important — task it is taking on?
The Earth observation satellite is intended to measure our oceans and chart the sea level. And this is likely to be a rather depressing sight from space. After all, it is no secret that the sea level is tending to rise with growing rapidity. While it increased by only 2 centimeters (0.79 inches) in the entire 18th century, it already went up by 6 centimeters in the 19th century and a whole 19 centimeters in the 20th. Industrialization and human-made global warming certainly have had something to do with this.
The consequences are already very real. About one in 10 people live in a region that is less than 10 meters (33 feet) above sea level, and many people living on the coast are already affected by stronger storms and more flooding than their parents or grandparents were.
Earth Observer Sentinel-1: Satellites with radar vision
ESA's Sentinel-1 mission monitors changes on Earth with millimeter precision. The deformation of the land surface, its subsidence, rapid urbanization — nothing happens unseen and above all, not without reason.
Image: ESA/Copernicus Sentinel/BGR
Measuring land change and erosion
You don't need a satellite image to see that things are changing here, but the radar images of the Copernicus mission Sentinel-1 provide more clarity. Often degradation of the Earth's surface is due to changes that take place largely underground — for example, due to groundwater extraction, the natural compaction of sediments, urbanization or, as in this case, mining.
Image: DW/ I. Banos Ruiz
Millimeter-exact mapping
This map shows how the land surface in the Rhineland mining basin in Germany has shifted several millimeters each year between 2014 and 2019. The degradation shown in red is clearly attributable to open-cast lignite mining and the simultaneous reduction of the groundwater table. The blue spots in the adjacent area are probably related to the rise in groundwater after mining ceased.
Image: ESA/Copernicus Sentinel/BGR
Earth observation for all
The fact that Sentinel-1 has mapped tiny shifts in the land surface throughout Germany is new. However, the mission has been serving science for quite some time: Sentinel-1A was launched in 2014, and Sentinel-1B followed in 2016. Since then they've been collecting data that is accessible to everyone and is used for environmental, climate impact research, transport, economic and security purposes.
Image: ESA/ATG medialab
Degradation due to salt mining
This image was taken using data from 2014 to 2016. It shows surface degradation caused by salt mining around Veendam near Groningen in the northeast of the Netherlands. Green dots indicate where the land is stable. Orange and red represent sinkages in the Earth's surface.
Image: ESA/Copernicus Sentinel/PPO.labs/Norut/NGU
Ground shaking and sinking
Such ground changes don't just occur in the salt mining areas of the Netherlands, but also in black coal mining areas like here in Witten, near the Ruhr River in Germany. Landslides, shaking and sinkholes can occur when underground mines collapse. This can cause dangerous damage to buildings, both in urban and rural areas.
Image: picture-alliance/blickwinkel/F8-DASBILD
Vulnerable shores
Images taken from space can be useful for authorities to improve urban planning or even to detect problematic erosion before it's visible to the naked eye. Here you can see the depressions along the Markermeer, a lake in central Netherlands. Eroded areas are shown in red, while the green areas show where the ground is stable.
Image: ESA/Copernicus Sentinel/PPO.labs/Norut/NGU
Mountain on the move
Osmundneset, located on the east side of the Norwegian Hyenfjord, is a large unstable rocky slope. The dark red dots indicate erosion of as much as two centimeters per year between 2015 and 2018. The green dots show areas that have experienced minimal change. Researchers want to understand the geological conditions and risks in order to set up a 24/7 early warning system, if necessary.
Image: ESA/Copernicus Sentinel/InSAR/KSAT-GMS
High above the ground?
The Sentinel-1 satellites have shown that the Millennium Tower in downtown San Francisco sinks a few centimeters each year. The study of the city helps scientists to improve the monitoring of urban ground movements, also with regard to erosion and degradation hot spots in Europe.
Image: Eric Risberg/AP/picture alliance
Locating degradation hot spots
Other parts of San Francisco have also been mapped, such as the buildings along the earthquake prone Hayward Fault Zone, which runs along the right. On the left, the degradation (yellow/orange) of the newly reclaimed land in San Rafael Bay can be seen. On the lower right a slope is visible, which likely occurred due to the recovery of the water table after four years of drought.
Image: ESA/Copernicus Sentinel/PPO.labs/Norut/NGU
Station in motion
Data from the Sentinel-1 satellites collected between December 26, 2014 and October 28, 2016, show that parts of Oslo's railroad station are sinking by 10-15 millimeters per year. This corresponds to a vertical drop of 12-18 millimeters per year. The fact that the Opera House — the white building on the fjord south of the depression area — has not moved is also clearly visible.
It's not only the Sentinel-1 pair that belongs to the Earth observation program — satellites up to "6" are now in orbit. The newest member of the family was launched on November 21. Researchers want to use "Sentinel 6 Michael Freilich" to take a closer look at the oceans from space, for example to measure and map the rise in sea level.
Image: Esa/Airbus/dpa/picture alliance
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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that if climate change continues at today's rate, sea levels could rise by a meter by the end of the century. This could be dangerous for many countries. It would affect not only the Maldives in the Indian Ocean, which is the lowest-lying country on Earth at an average of 1.5 meters above sea level, but even the coasts of Europe.
What can Sentinel-6 do about it?
"Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich" is the full name of the latest Earth observation satellite. It is named after Dr. Michael Freilich, the former director of NASA's Earth Science Division and a tireless advocate for advancing satellite measurements of the ocean.
Its mission now is to measure and chart the rise of the sea level more precisely than ever before. Sentinel-6 will provide information that will help researchers understand how climate change is reshaping coasts — and how fast this is happening. If researchers are to better understand how sea-level rise will affect humanity, they need climate records that are as long as possible. Sentinel-6 can provide the data needed.
"Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is a milestone for sea-level measurements," said project scientist Josh Willis of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, which manages NASA's contributions to the mission. The satellite is scheduled to start its journey from the nearby Vandenberg Air Force base in Lompoc on Saturday, November 21.
"It's the first time we've been able to develop multiple satellites that span a complete decade, recognizing that climate change and rising seas are here to stay," Willis said.
Providing the launch site is one of the ways that NASA is contributing to the joint mission with the European Space Agency's (ESA) Copernicus program.Europe's meteorological satellite agency EUMETSAT and the US weather service NOAA are also involved in the Sentinel-6 mission.
Sentinel-6 is the first of two identical satellites that are to be launched into space. Sentinel-6B, the twin satellite, is scheduled for launch in 2025. The two satellites are meant to collect data for at least five years.
"This continuous record of observations is essential for tracking sea-level rise and understanding the factors that contribute to it," said Karen St. Germain, director of NASA's Earth Science Division. "With Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, we ensure those measurements advance both in number and in precision."
How does Sentinel-6 work?
The latest addition to the Copernicus Earth Observation Program will continue the decadeslong monitoring of sea level from space carried out by the Jason satellites. It will scan 95% of the global sea surface within 10 days — from an altitude of more than 1,300 kilometers (800 miles) and to an accuracy of less than 1 millimeter.
In addition, it is also to collect precise data on atmospheric temperature and humidity, which can help improve weather forecasts and climate models.
The satellite sends out radar impulses that are reflected from the sea surface and then received again by the spacecraft. "Nobody can do anything with this data at first. It has to be converted into a high-precision distance measurement," says Manfred Lugert, head of Copernicus Mission Development and Jason-CS/ Sentinel 6 program manager at EUMETSAT. He said wave heights and atmospheric influences would also have to be taken into account when measuring distances.
Two independent navigation systems are also on board for determining the location. The satellite's orbit is regularly measured with a laser.
By working together with other satellites, Sentinel-6 will also help to make inferences about the density and thickness of ice. This is important, says Josef Aschbacher, ESA's director for Earth observation programs. The Greenland ice sheet is currently melting at three times the rate in the 1990s, he says. "We will now get a global measurement every 10 days — in other words, a picture of what the momentary situation is like," says Aschbacher. "The satellite will provide data that has not been available in this detail before."
What's so special about Sentinel-6?
Earth observation satellites as such have been around for decades — for example, TIROS-1, the first experimental weather satellite, was launched on April 1, 1960.
The Copernicus Earth Observation Program launched the Sentinel-1A satellite on April 3, 2014, followed by 1B on April 25, 2016. Since then, other types of Sentinel satellites have been added.
Scanning the sea level with millimeter accuracy — Sentinel-6 is a high-tech satelliteImage: Dave Fleetham/Design Pics/picture alliance
The European Commission (EC) and ESA had already founded Copernicus back in 1998. All data from the program is openly accessible, free of charge.
Sentinel-6, the latest launch, will be an orbiting high-tech showcase. "It has a new radar on board with greater precision that will be able to measure a rise in sea level even more accurately," says Aschbacher. The satellite will be controlled from a new, highly modern control center at EUMETSAT, according to Manfred Lugert.
What about all the other (Sentinel) satellites out there?
"There must be a few hundred satellites that are currently in orbit and monitoring our Earth," Aschbacher says. The Europeans are leading in this field, he says, because their system covers everything — from science and weather forecasts to disaster control.
The Sentinel-1 satellites provide detailed radar images of the planet's surface in all types of weather, day and night. Sentinel-2's specialty is to detect changes in vegetation and do things like provide crop forecasts, chart forests and monitor the growth of wild and agricultural plants. Sentinel-3 provides temperature measurements of land and ocean.
Sentinel-2B: What you need to know about ESA's new Satellite
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Sentinel-4, whose launch is planned for 2022, will collect data on the concentration of pollutants in the air. Sentinel-5 is a mission to measure atmospheric gases worldwide. Sentinel-5P analyzes the composition of the atmosphere.
But Aschbacher says there is still a lot to be done and still parameters that need to be measured more accurately. For example, he says, the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide is still not being measured precisely and comprehensively enough.
For the future, he would like to see a satellite system that measures all these parameters. The data could then be linked and coupled with artificial intelligence. This would make it possible to make real predictions and simulations about the Earth system, such as about how high the rise of the sea level would be under different temperature scenarios.
Discovering the secrets of our planet
Earth observation satellites can help us understand planet Earth better. They can do much more than just predicting the weather - an overview
Measuring the sea level
Jason-3 was launched on January 17th, 2016. It took over from Jason-2 in October of that year. The satellite became part of a large Network of NASA satellites, looking at sea Levels and at oceanic and atmospheric currents.
Is the sea level rising, or is the continent sinking?
Level recorders installed at shore can't answer that question. However, satellites can recognize continental shift. That's why NASA launched its Ocean Surface Topography Mission (OSTM) using the satellites Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1, -2 and later -3 to solve the mystery. Jason-2 sent us topographical radar images, and its successor Jason-3 has additional tools on board -- a radiometer and a laser.
Lots of data for environment and development
Without Earth observation satellites, we would not understand our planet as well as we do now. Sentinel-2 took this picture of the northern shore of the Adriatic with the Italian Alps in late June, shortly after its launch. Sentinel-2 is part of the European Space Agency's (ESA) comprehensive Copernicus Earth observation program.
Image: Copernicus data/ESA
Small box, great camera
Sentinel-2 uses a spectrometer, which is a special camera that can take pictures at numerous light wavelengths. This enables scientists to see all kinds of details in pictures that you can't detect with the naked eye, including the status of vegetation or the moisture in the soil. Here, engineers are preparing the satellite for its journey.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/P. Kneffel
What grows where and how well?
A view of Northern Italy: The city of Pavia in the upper left corner with the river Ticino flowing into the larger Po. The infrared spectrum of the camera reveals the state of the agriculture: Scientists can even see what is growing on the fields - is it corn, wheat or pumpkins on this one?
Image: Copernicus data/ESA
Twins for better observation
Many Earth observation satellites are not alone in their mission; they do their job better as a team. This is also true for Sentinel-1 and -2, which eventually will each get a support satellite. Together they can document every spot on the surface of the planet every five days. The Copernicus Program includes six modules (Sentinel-1 through -6) for all kinds of tasks.
Image: ESA/ATG medialab
Radar for topography
One task is measuring the topography of the land, just as Jason-3 does with the sea. Sentinel-1 is built for that, with its large radar antennas. It can detect hills, mountains and valleys. The data the satellite generates can later be combined with the data from Sentinel-2 or other satellites. This gives farmers, developers and environmental agencies exactly the information they need.
Image: ESA/ATG medialab
The Netherlands are all but flat.
The radar-eye of the satellite took this picture of the Dutch coast. It shows that the country is not as flat as many may believe. Dunes, buildings and levees can be clearly seen.
Image: ESA
Its not just, what's on the surface…
ESA's SWARM mission is a whole different type of Earth observation: Three satellites are circling the Earth, looking deep into the core of the planet. The SWARM satellites have been recording changes in the magnetic field of the Earth since 2013.
Image: Astrium/picture-alliance/dpa
Changes you cannot see
Scientists are interested in the Earth's magnetic field because it is constantly changing. Under the Earth's crust, magma is constantly moving and changing the magnetic makeup. Even the magnetic poles sometimes swap places. Knowing this is extremely important for the sea and air navigation.
Image: GFZ
Observing Earth with the Sun in mind
Earth magnetism also affects our relationship to the sun. The magnetic field shields us against cosmic and sun rays, which can be particularly strong after sunspot eruptions. If the Earth's magnetism changes, it also changes the way particles from solar rays travel around the Earth's poles. Satellites looking toward Earth can sometimes reveal these secrets from far away.