While Germany mulls over better solutions for a climate-friendly future, one northern village has already made the transition. And its residents say the benefits are worth every penny. DW pays a visit to Sprakebüll.
The town of Sprakebüll in northern Germany has embraced renewable energyImage: SEA
"I am proud of Sprakebüll. It's great to be a part of this, to hear people from outside tell me how Sprakebüll has become known for its green energy," says Christina Johannsen.
Johannsen runs an organic farm and shop with her husband, and customers often bring up the subject. After all, in Sprakebüll — population 260 — the energy revolution has already happened.
Growing up in the village of the future: Christina Johannsen and her son Klaas in their shopImage: Gero Rueter/DW
Right across from the shop, customers can charge their electric cars. Behind it, houses are being built for young families. And the new fire station on the corner was financed with revenue from the citizens' wind farm, as Mayor Karl-Richard Nissen says proudly, pointing to six light-gray wind turbines on the horizon, about 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) away.
'Nothing but benefits'
"Alternative energy sources have brought us nothing but benefits," Nissen says.
With the wind and solar plants, business taxes flow into municipal funds. "We've been able to build bike lanes here, and the community can do things it otherwise wouldn't be able to," he says.
The proceeds from the wind farm also subsidize music lessons for children in Sprakebüll, among other things, and the village's e-car is available to all at low cost via car sharing.
Mayor Karl-Richard Nissen (left) and Christian Andresen show off the village e-car Image: Gero Rueter/DW
Nissen says participation on a local level has been the key to success. Without it there would be no second wind farm. Not everyone on the municipal council voted for it, but the outcome was nevertheless accepted.
"The decisive factor here was not to abandon the field to large investors," Nissen emphasizes when looking back.
Commitment and return on investment for clean energy
The first community wind farm here went online back in 1998. Villagers and farmers jointly raised the capital. Without these investments and securities on their own houses, it would have been unlikely for the banks to have financed loans of €7.5 million ($8.86 million) for the five wind turbines back then, according to one of the initiators, 73-year-old farmer Hans-Christian Andresen.
Bank loans for such projects are no longer a problem, and residents in the respective communities are very happy to contribute to new wind farms these days.
Locally produced biogas heats the homes in SprakebüllImage: Gero Rueter/DW
Two solar parks have also been built in Sprakebüll with public involvement. Many people here also have solar modules on their own houses.
Sprakebüll generates roughly 50 times more electricity than it consumes. And its biogas, not oil, that villagers have been using to heat their homes for the past few years: All homes in the village were connected to their own heating network in 2013. The heat is generated in a plant right next to Johannsen's farm store, and the biogas is supplied from a farm by pipeline.
Innovation prevents rural exodus
In the 1960s, Sprakebüll had 26 farms, but today there are only three. Without renewable energy sources, "we would be a very poor region," says Mayor Nissen.
He says that has become the case just 15 kilometers to the north, in neighboring Denmark.
"The alternative energy development has not happened in this way in Denmark. When you go there, you see how dead the villages are. Agriculture is down, just as it is here. And there just isn't anything else there," says Nissen.
Hans-Christian Andresen (left) and his son (right) help farmers set up solar-powered field robots like this oneImage: SEA
And without innovative entrepreneurs like the Andresens, who employ 30 people, there would probably be "a big rural exodus here, too."
His son, Christian confirms this: "I, for one, wouldn't be here."
The 42-year-old agricultural engineer joined his father's company in 2007. The company builds solar plants, manages citizen wind and solar farms, and helps farmers making the transition to using solar-powered field robots.
"A lot of know-how and innovative power has emerged here and is being developed further, and solutions are being sought for what can be done with the electricity," says Christian.
This container in North Frisia produces hydrogen from wind power Image: Gero Rueter/DW
The same goes for a successful hydrogen project in Haurup, 20 kilometers away. Hydrogen is produced here from wind power using electrolysis and then fed into the natural gas pipelines.
Andresen is convinced that the planet can be powered completely by renewables by 2030, and that Sprakebüll is living proof that "it will happen much faster than many people today believe."
This article has been adapted from German
Solar energy around the world: From mini-grids to solar cities
Solar energy is now the cheapest energy source in the world. Rural villages, community initiatives and big cities are all choosing to generate energy form the sun, in all sorts of diverse ways.
Image: Gemeinde Saerbeck/Ulrich Gunka
Drinking water from the sun
The village of Rema in Ethiopia operates a solar pump with a connected water tank. The well is far away from the village, and the water used to have to be piped to the village with a diesel pump. But this was often broken or there was not enough fuel. Since 2016, a solar pump has been supplying water to the 6,000 inhabitants, many of whom also need the water for their fields.
Image: Stiftung Solarenergie
Recharging cellphones without a power grid
Most people in rural regions in East Africa have no access to the power grid. Increasingly, popular solar kiosks like this one in Olkiramatian, Kenya can provide electricity. For a small fee, the solar power from the roof is used to charge cellphones, for example. In this way, people can stay in touch, make money transfers by phone or check the market prices for their vegetables.
Image: Solarkiosk GmbH
Power for campesinos
Here in Miraflor, in northern Nicaragua, people make their living from coffee cultivation and traditional agriculture. Until 2013, this area had no electricity at all. Then local electricians installed solar panels on the homes of over 600 families. Local farmers or "campesinos" now have enough electricity for light, refrigerators and TV.
Image: Stefan Jankowiak
Solar panel communities
This housing development in Freiburg, southern Germany, generates more energy than the residents here consume. Built 20 years ago, it has become a model for urban development. With good insulation, cleverly-utilized ventilation, solar roofs and heat pumps, more and more old houses are now being converted into energy-plus houses. This saves money and helps protect the climate.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/R. Haid
Reaching rural areas with micro-grids
The startup SOLshare gives people in rural Bangladesh access to cheap and clean electricity through self-sufficient micro-grids, and creates an additional source of income for them. Households with solar systems are connected to others who do not yet have access to the grid. Solar power can also replace diesel and kerosene during power outages.
Image: ME SOLshare Ltd.
Solar power fighting COVID
This hospital in Tabarre, a suburb of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, is powered by this rooftop solar installation. At 710 kilowatts, it is the largest in the country. Coronavirus patients are cared for here, and all medical equipment runs on solar power. Thanks to the system, around €50,000 ($59,000) is saved on diesel power every year.
Image: Biohaus-Stiftung.org
Mini-grid for an entire village
The Kenyan village of Talek has 1,500 inhabitants and has had solar power since 2015. The photovoltaic system with an output of 50 kilowatts is located on a small field, and the batteries are housed in the small building next to it. George Ndubi looks after the private solar power plant with mini-grid, which can supply up to 300 customers with electricity.
Image: Imago Images/photothek/T. Imo
Solar oasis
Water is scarce in the Egyptian desert. This makes the solar power plant in the El-Wahat el-Bahariya Oasis all the more important. It powers the water pump, without which farming would be impossible here. As with everywhere else in the desert, the farmers have to keep clearing sand from the solar panels.
Image: Joerg Boethling/imago images
Climate neutral by 2025
The Danish capital, Copenhagen, wants to be climate neutral by 2025, which is why more and more areas in the city are being used to produce renewable energy. The solar panels on the front of this school, for example, generate electricity. In addition, car traffic in the city is being restricted, e-mobility is being promoted, wind farms are going up and more and more houses are being renovated.
Image: picture alliance / Zoonar
International exchange of ideas
The small town of Saerbeck in western Germany generates more electricity with solar, wind and biomass power than its 7,200 citizens consume. The energy park is now a model for other small communities around the world. Here, a delegation from the US visits for ideas to implement back home.