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Symposium: ‘Journalistic Training in Conflict-related Situations’

May 28, 2008

An all-day event hosted by the DW-AKADEMIE at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum. More than 900 guests from 96 countries will be taking part in the first of this series of events from June 2-4 in Bonn.

Image: DW

Self-confident media and adequate training for journalists are important components for attaining good governance. In transition, conflict and post-conflict states, journalistic training is one of the main ways to help foster the media. In general, the standard for journalistic training in this area is inadequate. Media representatives are often coerced by warring parties, local or national rulers to publicize their points of view unconditionally.

Within the framework of the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, the DW-AKADEMIE is presenting an all-day symposium for training journalists in conflict-related situations. The symposium will take place on June 3 at the World Conference Center in Bonn.

Journalistic quality and integrity take on a special meaning in conflict and post-conflict regions, where reliable and well-researched reports can save lives. The current situations in Burma and China have shown us that new technology, especially the spread of the Internet and mobile phones, allow journalists and citizens working in conflict situations to bypass media which is prone to censorship and create new channels for information to keep the world and local population informed. Technological innovations and growing media diversity are increasingly defining journalistic training.

You can find an overview of topics and instructors for the symposium on June 3 at www.dw-world.de/globalmediaforum.

More than 900 guests from 96 countries have already registered for the first of this series of conferences, which is taking place June 2-4 in Bonn.

The Foundation for International Dialogue of the Savings Bank in Bonn is co-hosting the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum. The conference is also being supported by the German Federal Foreign Office, the State Government of North-Rhine Westphalia, DHL, the city of Bonn, VT Communications, Blatzheim Networks Telecom and picture alliance.

May 28, 2008

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