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Country: India
Here is views on the Topic " SENSE OF BELONGINGNESS ":-
With increasing economic development and faster modes of communication, the individual in society faces a number of problems about his place in the schemes of things. Increasing urbanization leads to loss of self-identity because the old
traditions have lost their values and an individual starts feeling alienated from the past which frequently results in loss of sense of belonging for many people.With the increase in money resources in this modern age, old traditions and rituals have lost their values and this has resulted in the surrender of individuality and increasing hold of society on the individual. Man fails to perceive today the very purpose behind life and the relevance of his existence in a hostile modern world. Corruption in the social life or the substitution of ideals reflects the temper of modernity. The achievements of new goals, of money, career and power by any means is infact a consequence of the process of urbanization and modernization . Today modern generation is going
after money. They do not feel any attachment to their parents. The present age- the modern age has shrunk in spirit, languishing in confusion, frustration, disintegration,disillusionment, meaninglessness, rootlessness and loss of sense of
belonging. Man gives much importance to money but with money he can not buy everything; happiness, good relations and belongingness. Man is a gregarious animal. A sense of stability, security, beloningness is necessary for his happiness. He must have his moorings, somewhere in some home, in love and affection of parents, friends, neighbors, and other relatives. When this sense of belonging, this sense of harmony is lost for one reason or another, man suffers from feeling of
insecurity and loss of confidence. Man should not feel isolated and detached from anyone. He should always be ready to do the right action at the right time and remember that detachment lies in actually getting involved. I am 24 years engineer and working as Application Designer in CSC, an IT company at NOIDA, near New Delhi, the Capital of India and my home-town is Shahabad Markanda, near Kurukshetra, the Land Of Great Battle Of Mahabharat , in Haryana State.
Name: Irmtraut Janzen
Country: Brazil
I see globalization as a trend to unite as many people as possible. This approach is done through information, data exchange and policy. The goal should be, t0o lead everybody to good, free and equitable life.
Name: Frederick Boado
Country: Santa Rosa City, Philippines
Hi, im Frederick Boado from the republic of the Philippines and I'm one of your viewer here in the Philippines of your show aired via free channel net 25. Your program is good and educational. It will encourage everyone to love, care and save our planet thru a wide impact of globalization. Not all countries benefited in globalization as a international trade and marketing. In some cases, rich countries are investing to a poor/developing countries for a purpose, that is to grabbed all its natural resources used for manufacturing and supply for industries. Also some big countries uses it power or forces to implement its on rule with no respect to the international law - that is China. I hope that the world is watching and will not allow this kind of aggression. Germany is one of my favorite country in the world. I hope someday I can visit this country. Even though I don't have money, it is a dream ...hehe
- Name: Syed Mustufa Ali
- Country: Oman
My name is Syed Mustufa Ali. I'm 12 Years old. I live in Oman in Muscat city. I am a student in grade eight in INDIAN SCHOOL MUSCAT. My father is an engineer in The Royal Navy Of Oman. He earns 700 Omani rials appx. 2300 usd$. Globalization means Growth to a global or worldwide scale. My grades in the exams never worries me as it worries for a common student . Saturday is my final exam and I am surfing the net! Even if I'm not studying the whole day the I score A1. But still I go through Maths and Practise them. Algebra, Quadratic Equation , Square root Etc. I get First position in My Class 8-A. My friends make me happy. Spending my time with my friend Nur, Imran, Fahad , Ayan,Amith, Shiabur,Sharun. We all spend Weekends Together Each Friday we Go KFC. We roam in the city. And ater the Exams we Spent 3 days in our school in the Scout camp and In some bodies house specially mine because my Parents leave me alone for visiting my uncle in Dubai. I ignore it saying them reasons my parents are pampering me allot. My favourite is Chinese. Fried dreis , chicken manchurian etc. My leisure times goes with my freinds. I have visited Oman, Pakistan,India,England,U.A.E,Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, And U.S. Actually my brother studies in England He is doing I like To Visit Germany or Australia.
- Name: Daniel Escurel Occeño
- Country: Philippines
In the United States, how about passing a law of 10 percent of the automobiles and of the motorcycles manufactured in the fifty states of the United States should be electric models? The 62 MPG by 2025 of six-speed manual transmissions will not lower gasoline consumption and some experts have written; it might even increase consumption because subcompacts will be easier to drive in town and to park while increasing usage. America’s dependency on foreign oil will increase by 2025 and so will carbon emissions and air pollution. It will increase the possibility of Global Warming caused by Climate Change. Good luck to the subcompact owners during cold weathers with “cheap” heaters and it is so light it cannot plow through snow and ice. Winter Wonderland will be worse with Climate Change, according to experts. Can four-wheel drive vehicles meet 62 MPG by 2025? How much of a payload? Barack Obama might get re-elected, but the Congress playing along with Mr. Obama might not be back. Cold Duck might sell well for 2012 more than a Fat-Tax Tea Party.
- Name: Kadek Ana
- Country: Indonesia
I really like your TV program. I watched it in Bali TV channel. I get much inspiration from watching this program. I’m interested and concerned about the environment. Here in Bali, we have some problems with other Asian countries especially about environment pollution topics. But I don't have any idea how to solve these problems. And I really want to do something for my hometown. I have been watching a program on the utilization of sewage water used for irrigation artificial forest at Egypt [„Egypt – Surprise in the Sand Dunes” 10.01.11, editor’s note]. I was inspired. I hope this program can also be adopt on my island. And I hope I can get a chance to do something for this earth.
- Name: John Ross
- Country: USA
Globalization is inevitable because the instinct to grow within all living things drives humanity to relentlessly grow its population and its economy. But planet Earth cannot grow to accommodate it. Instead, with each volcano and earthquake, our planet is slowly shrinking. So, the accumulation of industrial pollutants is now overwhelming the ability of the biosphere to absorb that pollution, so it struggles to heal itself with intensifying storms and floods, droughts and wildfires. Therefore, unless we humans peacefully reduce our population and recycle 100% of our waste and garbage, the biosphere will collapse, we will all starve and humanity will go extinct.
- Name: Hassan Ben Ali
- Country: Morocco
Hi, I would like to share this ideas in your programmes to save the world : The world knows today an Environmental crisis that starts threat the human existence on the terrestrial globe. From this constant, comes the necessity to have a conscious behaviour with this Environment in order to protect and assure the healthy life for the future generations. there are some self suggestions and ideas:
1. Reuse of the waste into useful products: plastic flowers, papered tables (some examples of these products in Annexes)
2. Composting of the dry waste and reuse of the compost ( in the garden, for example)
3. Categorization of the waste before their remove in order to facilitate their select at the level of use
4. Generalisation of recommendations on the covers of articles of buy in order to remember the citizen to eject the covers after use in trash can.
5. Exchange the handle lamps by the automated lamps in the house, in order to explore the lamps only at the time of need.
6. Exploitation of energy of sportive bicycle to charge the batteries of some articles in the house (phone mobile, etc.)
7. Exploitation of Energy of Solar energy into: cooking, warming of water, working of the housing machines in order to economize daily energy.
8. Exploitation of wind energy, specifically in the mountainous regions.
9. Exchange the manual faucets to automatic faucets in order to avoid the lose of water
10. Encourage the reforestation to minimise the rate of CO2 in the air
Organization of Series of Sensualisation, via the media generally, and specifically via internet, to the importance of protection of Environment. I wish these ideas find an well come and an interesting from you in order to protect, at the first rang, our self and at the second rang our Environment. contact details Life Association for climate protection and sustainable development Moroccan web :
- Name: Rajitha Tennakoon Gadhvi
- Country: Sri Lanka
My point of view on globalization is that it is a good issue on making people's lifestyle better. Thus people should pay more attention on the non privileged societies. When it comes to developing countries, the view on globalization has created a kind of bad image on them because of certain misunderstandings. Globalization creates divides on wealthy and poor.
- Name: Kuldip Gadhvi
- Country: India
I believe globalization favours richer and wealthier rather than those poorer who still starves in third world nations. As far as cultural, social, educational and environmental aspects are concern, globalization can make big difference if encourage by political leaders all over the world.
- Name: Kausar Hossain Mondal
- Country: India
Globalisation is an act or event of modernisation, industrialisation, urbanisation, materialisation of our lifestyles ranging from food, clothes, health, education and living standards. It is also an act of extreme experimentation in arts, society, science and technology. What fears me about it is the moral, ethical aesthetic, degradation of people and increase in the unbridgeble gulf between the haves and the have-nots.
- Name: Honour Stewart
- Country: New Zealand
My name is Honour and I am a university student in New Zealand. I believe that globalization has the potential to unite or destroy society. While the interconnectivity of the world has spread the trade of arms and drugs to a global scale, it can also lead to positive social change. Movements like Freetrade make consumers in distant countries aware of the social, environmental and economic impacts they have on producers. What is important to take into account is our attitude towards globalization. Should we attempt to continue trying to maximize profits and expand into an ever-increasing market? Or should we realize that we are dealing with people and their treatment should come before our ever-increasing profit margins? Globalization is in the end, the ability of the world to practice their culture at a larger scale. Who and how that culture affects the world is something that needs to be given serious thought. If it leads to positive change then globalization could be better than anyone imagined.
- Name: Abdullah Mohammadi
- Country: Pakistan
First of all I would like to thank the whole team for giving me the chance to share my views on globalization. I am Abdullah Mohammadi. I am a college student in 12th class, currently studying pre-engineering in Pakistan. In the morning I am going to college and afterwards I’m practicing with my books. In the evening I am doing computer courses, currently only short courses but later I would like to do programming courses, preferably, if I can afford to, in a foreign countries like Germany, US, UK or Australia due to the high quality of their education, research and much more. But we financially belong to the poor families.
I am regularly watching your program GLOBAL 3000, it is a very nice and informative program for all, especially for the young generations. They will gain knowledge about the different people in the world, their culture, religion, language etc. I like to say that this program really gives new insights about the whole world and gets us connected to far places and people within seconds. We know the advantages of social networking and other sources of communications in this modern era. But I would also like to say that globalization has its negative aspects as well. It has got a negative effect on the regional languages and maternal languages. Every nation is identified by their culture, language etc. We can see the world more beautiful and colorful in multicultural ways. I belong to the Hazara Nation of Afghanistan. More than 1 million Hazaras live in Pakistan, in the city Quetta. If we work for our nation and make our nation identify with the people around the world, then we can get our own identity.
- Name: Ikechukwu Onyiriuka
- Country: Nigeria
Globalization is the internationalization of products and services by large firms. It has both positive and negative impacts. The positive impacts include electronic banking which makes fund transfers, transactions and money withdrawal easy. The introduction of computers and internet is also a positive aspect of globalization. Listening to DW-RADIO and watching DW-TV which are stationed in far-away Germany from Nigeria is also globalization. The relay of live events, programmes, matches, news etc is also globalization. The use of computers and internet has resulted in making the world a global village.
The negative aspect of globalization affects both living and non-living organisms. The negative aspects include the burning of fossil fuel which results in the release of carbon monoxide (CO) into the atmosphere. These days, there are lots of cars, vehicles, machines and industries that use fossil fuel as a means of power or energy. When these fuels are burnt, CO, which is a poisonous gas, is usually released. The CO combined with rain water forms acid rain (rain water with PH value under 4) which is harmful to plants and animal. The CO displaces the dissolved oxygen in the water and when this happens, the plants and sea organisms suffer. It leads to diseases and death of the organisms. If man consumes fish from such water, it causes problems. Bathing in the acid rain can result in skin disorders. Acid rain contains sulphate ions and nitrate ions. These ions cause hardness of water. And hardness of water is a condition where soap will continue to form an insoluble scum with water or a condition where the soap will not foam well or lather easily with soap. These result in economic waste of the soap. Paintings on the walls of buildings corrode or wear out easily because of acid rain.
Some of the carbon monoxide and other industrial gases get into the atmosphere to cause depletion of the ozone layer. These lead to the green house effect and global warming which is one of the greatest problems the world is facing today. Here in Nigeria and other parts of the world, the green house effect has resulted in immense or extreme sunshine and rainfall. The excess rainfall causes flooding, while the excess sunshine results in desertification and consequently extinction of species and in some extreme cases it causes wild fire outbreak. In this way, globalization has resulted in an imbalance in the ecosystem.
Here in Nigeria, internet scam has become the order of the day. A lot of both employed and unemployed youths indulge in internet scam to make a lot of fraudulent money. The scam victims are mostly Americans and European. I myself have fallen victim once.
All these put together, the impact of globalization can never be over emphasized. Thanks a lot for giving me this unique opportunity.
- Name: Sapna Khowal
- Country: India
Globalization is anonymous to localization or isolation. Thus globalization can be achieved in real term only when all the countries behave as if they are members of a family and if a weaker member of the family is in trouble than all the stronger members help him to get back on the track, leading to stability and growth. Globalization will be achieved only when all the individuals throughout the world have basic requirements fulfilled and these are food, clothing, shelter and education. Education not only includes professional knowledge required for earning but it also includes knowledge about human values and knowledge about nature, so that after completing education each and every person can think about nature and protect it from getting detoriated and also can lead to development that can help the world to live in harmony and peace.
- Name: Sachin Patwardhan
- Country: India
Globalization is a good phenomenon as it is bringing the world closer together. Small farmers and entreprenuers are facing difficulties as world giants in industry and agriculture are making their way into developing countries and competition is becoming cut throat. It is very necessary in the process of globalization that the principles of equality are practiced. For example high subsidies on agricultural products offered by developed countries in America and Europe but low subsidies and lack of developed resources in the developing world, forced low wage rates in China resulting in dumping of cheap low quality goods on the world market etc. Otherwise the problems of the world will remain unsolved and instead of globalization we may again go back to the age of divisions.
- Name: Anthony Alvin
- Country: Indonesia
In my opinion, globalization is a situation where all people around the world move closer together and form a community. The best example is the flow of communication. Today we can see many community websites, such as Facebook, Friendster, Hi5, etc. These examples are a manifestation of globalization.
- Name: Amit Prasad
- Town/Country: Mumbai, India
My name is Amit Prasad, I am a resident of Mumbai. I am a student and I have just passed the class 12 exam. I regularly watch your program which deals with current trends of globalization and how it affects environment. I am very much inspired by it. I regularly travel to my college by bus and there is so much harassment to travel with such high pollution. I really get stressed by it. Also due to the increasing number of buildings, many trees have been cut down and the use of fossil fuels has risen at an alarming rate.
These things have made me very cautious about our environment. So I am very glad to receive information from around the world. To reduce the effects of globalization we have to take a global approach and joint steps towards ending rising temperatures in the atmosphere. We have to take these eco-friendly measures to stop economic decline and ensure that the environment does not suffer.
- Name: Luis Alicea
- Town/Country: Caguas/Puerto Rico
Switching channels on TV, I saw this program and I kept looking until it finished. One of the reports I saw was the large amount of Chinese students getting a university degree and no job. In my opinion, I say that the actual economic crisis has been caused by this system called GLOBALIZATION. A good issue of this was the Markets crashes around the World on October 2008. Globalization is not working as expected, and they should return to the old system: each Market has to operate individually and independently, to prevent a repetition of this event.
- Name: Dag Bennstrom
- Country: US
Referring to the report "In the Debt Trap - Why Cotton Farmers in India are Driven to Suicide" (February 2, 2009)
I watched an interesting episode about a young woman in Morocco and the terrible plight of a widow inn India. I think it is important to keep things in perspective, and Global3000 helps do just that. By seeing and experiencing these stories from around the world I can see better how globalization has the negative aspect of squeezing the "little guy", but it also brings us all closer to a shared global experience, by creating an emotional connection with another human being. Thank you for being a part of that.
- Name: Altaf Hussain Wan
- Country: India
Hello, I am Altaf Hussain from India (Kashmir), i am a regular watcher of your program. Global 3000 is a very good program as it keeps me aware about all aspects of globalisation. We all need to take a more global approach to the problem which is affecting the whole world.
- Name: Sharzad
- Country: Iran
The idea is perfect, but it requires more cooperation frrom all people all around the world... I am an Iranian girl who would also like to participate in today's world important issues.
- Name: Javier Mosqueda
- Country: Mexico
I have been part of the trading chain from steel scap and minerals to produce steel, passing through car parts making, wood and door making, international customer service, software development, and in the last 10 years, I've been in the food business, specifically dehydration of fruits and vegetables, chocolate production from the cocoa beans, processing of condiments and coffee roasting + grinding.
So I've been employee and businessman, even combining both activities for a period of time. Globalization has a cold face, it is a war where profits are taken, not negotiated. If one is a coffee grower for example, one bbbbbbbetter either have many hectares or serve coffee on a table, to not be left out of business.
In countries where social care exists, certain trading practices are forbidden, like leaving someone with a low income. In Globalization, our own coutry doesn't care about the profits of people in other countries and that's not nice. Thomas More, in Utopy, has already written about this more than 500 years ago.
- Name: Tayebi Abdellah
- Country: Algeria
I think that globalisation is an operation which includes the transportation of capitals from a place, where the costs are so huge or expensive to another place, where the costs are less expensive.
Anyway, this transportation of capital could be economic or political, and it can also be a cultural globalisation which is the most important kind of globalisation. It means : to make a universaal culture model that must be followed all over the world. I think that the governments must be strict with this kind of things. Why? Because it's a threat for civilisation and for the population.
People must grow up with specific values which build, if I can say that, their political culture, and this political culture must also be linked with their country and their history. I'm not saying here that globalisation is a bad thing - who am I to say this! But I'm trying to make it a bit clear for those persons who think that globalisation means only freedom of transportation or freedom of being wherever they want.
It's a good thing to make those things without any obstacles, but we should always respect the other including his personality, his values, his points of view and so on. As a human I think our goal in this life is this: to try to add something to knowlegde or to humanity, and we must be aware that if we don't do this we don't deserve this life.
We have the chance to do many things, but we don't do anything about certain things we can change. Just a few people do. To do this, we must help each other and work together hand in hand. We should also use positives things that globalisation includes to improve our lifes.
Globalisation means to me both a threat and a good opportunity to be together and to work together - because without being together and helping each other we are nothing.
- Name: Erwin Anders
- Profession: Entrepreneur
- Country: Tarapoto, Peru
To help maintain a certain balance in our eco-system, we could consider having European and north-American retirees moving down to the jungle in Peru. I'm not looking for financing, I'm just in need of a good neighborhood starting now. I do posses already 112 hectares near Tarapoto, -the "upper-jungle" in Peru-, in "Laguna Azul". It is named "upper-jungle" because it is still in the last small mountain-range before arriving to the flatland.
Retirees would be offered a range of hobbies. We have already honey-bees, 280 mango-trees, citrus-trees, 2 mini-lagoons for pisciculture, and you may bring your own hobby. You wish to develop solar panels, wind-mills, introduce sustainable woodland? You are welcome!
We could help reforest the area, bring back animal species that have gone further "in-land". I invite people to buy land around mine, in order to create a nice neighborhood, and preserve the surrounding area. Specially the area leading towards 7 small waterfalls, the "birth-place" from the smallll river crossing my land.
We could buy a tree and a few hectares around it. I bought each hectare for about 270 to 300 Dollars. After 2 years, and an economic crisis, prices may have doubled. You can still find those prices, further away from the small lake.
My grandpa arrived 1907 in Peru, and founded "Pianos Anders". Since then, an uncle of mine founded "Quimica Anders", and my father two small companies under one roof, "Alrex" and "Lignoflex". I studied and lived for 10 years in West-Berlin, and 18 years in the Baltimore – Washington D.C. Areas.
I've met European retirees living 6 months in Peru, and six months in their homeland. You can save a great deal of money down here. We have every year more and more Europeans and north-Americans moving to this area.
I'm still in the process of building my small complex, and have nothing to offer yet. But I'm certainly in need of creating a good neighborhood. Will be ready by March of next year.
I hope to find people interested in helping our eco-balance. It is better than nothing, no matter how small our effort. For more details or info, look on our website and write me a letter. I'll describe you the pros and cons. Even health-care in our area.
Thank you, Erwin Anders
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- Naame: Christopher Dayrit
- Profession: Civil Engineer
- Country: Philippines
Good day Ms. Kufner, First of all Congratulations & as we say in our country "Mabuhay ka" for having a commendable show. My name is Christopher Dayrit, I come from the Philippines. I have seen your TV program at DW-TV "Global 3000" (I don't even know if they were the latest edition), fortunately it's aired here in our country via a free TV channel every morning.
I was compelled to write to you because I think what you do in your program is very important as the world is hurriedly becoming a global village. It is an eye-opener, that no matter what we do, whether we like it or not, we all live in one planet and inevitably have to work hand in hand in tackling its problems.
Having read your background, I feel I must ask for your help. Like you, I have the urge to help in the global cause as well. I am a Civil Engineer by profession, working in Saudi Arabia. And most of the time I'm away from my own country. May I ask for your suggestion on how I can help.
- Name: Karl-Heinz Heerde
- Profession: Entrepreneur
- Town/Country: Hamburg, Germany
Globalization is the modern marketing world for what has been known for generation as International Trade. Back in the early beginnings of human kind working for and with other people this has been the case even it was very common to sauce part of a product from countries with cheap labour.
Being a Hamburger myself, we here know so well the former Hanse and what they contributed to International Trade. so, we should take off this mask of Globalization and bring it again down to what it really is: giving and taking! Being married to my Kenyan wife we own a company dealing as a Broker in exporting used clothings and shoes from Germany to mainly African countries in some which we have our own Representations and also for Medication from EU countries, all that is needed in this smal world is understanding what you do and want to do what you do and to make a financial success out of it do it with and for other people.
Learning from mistakes, being disciplined and hard working brings you closer each day to the goal that you want to reach. So, no fear, no hate, no condamnation of this demon Globalization is the key for the individual success of each and everyone around our blue Planet earth.