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The race for COVID vaccines: Rich against poor?


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February 11, 2021

In the race to decide who gets COVID vaccines, what is the right strategy? Our guests: Frank Ulrich Montgomery (World Medical Association), Alexandra von Nahmen (DW Brussels), Mekonnen Mesghena (Heinrich Böll Foundation)

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Mekonnen Mesghena, head of migration and diversity at the Heinrich-Böll Stiftung, says: "What this pandemic demonstrates, once again, is the global epidemic of injustice that we never manage to bring under control.” 

Image: DW



Frank Ulrich Montgomery is president of the World Medical Association. He thinks: „The vaccine was developed in record time. Supply chain bottlenecks are perfectly normal. A vaccine for hundreds of millions of people isn’t something you just pluck from thin air.“ 

Image: DW


Alexandra von Nahmen heads DW’s studio in Brussels. She says: "With the EU scrambling to vaccinate it's own citizens and the US absent as a global player, China and Russia are winning the vaccine diplomacy race.“