Tom Waurig's fact sheet
September 20, 2015 What is your name?
Tom Waurig
Where and when were you born?
On January 27, 1990, in Görlitz
What is your current place of residence?
What is currently on your mind? Send us a tweet about your life (140 characters).
One of the greatest challenges we are faced with now is the integration and acceptance of refugees. #Asylum
What are you proud of?
My parents
What are you ashamed of?
For all the little everyday mishaps in my personal life.
Tell us about an image that will never be erased from you memory.
The gruesome massacre of pilot wales on the Faroe Islands.
If you could choose one person to meet, dead or still alive, who would this be and why?
I would love to meet both Günter Grass and Helmut Schmidt, as I can imagine they'd be fascinating people to share a conversation with on sociopolitical issues. However, I'd imagine that my respect for them might make it a bit difficult on my part to have a real dialogue.
How would you express your personal spirit using three Emoticons?
What would have happened if the Berlin Wall had never come down?
Personally, I suppose that I would have benefitted from getting to observe the social system in East Germany for myself, which fascinates me because of my interest in politics. But I'd imagine that it would only be valuable to me for a limited amount of time.
Which song is currently at the very top of your playlist?
"Godiva" by Heaven Shall Burn
What is your favorite video on YouTube?