Some churches in Uganda are under scrutiny over their record of duping and preying on the faithful. The government says new policy, which requires preachers to be trained in theology, should straighten them out.
The new regulation, which is expected to affect thousands of the churches – many of them Pentecostal –across the East African country, is in the final implementation stage, according to the government.
Many informal Pentecostal church preachers and self-styled "prophets" have been accused of extorting their followers to enrich themselves, or misleading them to abandon medicines or to sell properties or possessions.
Minister of State for Ethics and Integrity in the Office of the President Simon Lokodo, an ordained Catholic priest, told DW the policy is intended to bring sanity to religious institutions without curtailing freedom of worship.
In Uganda, Muslims, Anglicans, Roman Catholics, Seventh Day Adventists and some Pentecostal churches have recognized theological institutions.
'Just making noise'
"So one has to go through theology, a philosophy, epistemology and be able to analyze reality and the spiritual part of it. These so-called "born again" ones crop up from anywhere – anyone can become a pastor anytime, anywhere, anyhow," said Lokodo.
"There must be a mainstream church line with doctrine and hierarchy, and there must be a dogma. Without that someone is just making noise."
Prominent pastor, activist and founder of Makerere Community Church, Martin Ssempa, has applauded the government for its effort to end clerical abuse and regulate Pentecostal churches. He is doubtful however on whether the policy will be non-selective.
Making money with God
The church business in Ghana is booming and with it a new group of leaders has emerged: the prophets. Ghanaian church leaders are powerful. The promise of wealth and good health has filled their coffers with money.
Image: Tomaso Clavarino
Celebrity preachers
Daniel Obinim was 40 when he created an empire with his International God’s Way Church. In a recent interview, he stated that Jesus granted him over 20 houses, eight Range Rovers, five SUVs and three Chryslers. He has built three of the largest churches in Ghana. He has been arrested for hitting a journalist, and whipping a boy and a girl who were in a relationship in front of his congregation.
Image: Tomaso Clavarino
Rising number of faithful
On the African continent evangelical, pentecostal and charismatic churches are attracting the greatest numbers. According to the Washington-based Pew Research Center, there were around 3 million evangelicals in Ghana in 2000, and 5.5 million by 2015. Pentecostals and charismatics numbered around 6.5 million in 2000 and 10 million by 2015.
Image: Tomaso Clavarino
Roadside visibility
Ghana's streets and crossroads are dotted with signs and advertisements for churches. Many of the churches were founded and are currently managed by just one person, one prophet, or one pastor.
Image: Tomaso Clavarino
Live shows spread the word
Ghanaian church leaders are powerful. Their word travels far and is not limited to Sunday mornings and mid-week services. There are TV channels and web TV channels that reach a large audience far beyond their own congregations. This picture was taken backstage during a live show at pastor Daniel Obinim's OB TV.
Image: Tomaso Clavarino
The obligatory sound system
Each church, from the biggest to the smallest, has a huge sound system. Music played at high volume is part of every service, whether on Sunday or during the all-night services in the middle of the week. The noise can be unbearable for those who are not used to it and for those who live or work nearby.
Image: Tomaso Clavarino
A place for the young
Youth are a strong part of the church community. The evangelical, pentecostal or charismatic churches have a number of similarities: A literal reading of the bible, the emphasis on wealth and wellness, a strong commitment to spreading the Gospel, faith in a divine power for curing illness and injuries, and a belief in miracles.
Image: Tomaso Clavarino
On air at dawn
Radio is very important to the pastors and prophets. You can listen to their radio shows all day on different channels. Here, two assistants of Prophet Nigel Gaise are about to go on air at four in the morning. Gaise runs a church called the True Fire Prophetic Ministry. He claims to hear the word of God and is known to make predictions on politics and celebrity news.
Image: Tomaso Clavarino
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Soldiers protect corrupt bishops
"We have become victims of the government because of the abuses of corrupt bishops and corrupt religious leaders who move around with guns and muscle men. They move around with huge consignments of soldiers because they are state-funded and state-supported," said Ssempa. "How then can those guys be sent to school? So, I do not think for a moment that this law is going to affect the current state of the abuses."
Kezia Koburungi, one of the many staunch followers of "Prophet" Elvis Mbonye and his ministry, sees no reason for preachers to be subjected to theological training.
"Once God has called you, he has positioned you in that area to preach the word of God. You know by the Spirit what to tell to people. I don’t think you need to go and study to be a pastor or what," Koburungi told DW.
"Born again" Pastor Gyagenda Ssemakula is optimistic that order will reign within the Pentecostal community if the new policy is adhered to.
"They are making demarcations on how the church should look like, how the church should begin, how the church should be conducted and who should lead the church. Yes, we have the calling but training is also very eminent, so I am very optimistic that the coming into force of this particular policy will actually help to create order, especially in quarters where there has been no order and that is the Pentecostal and "born again".
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