USA — the rise of the ultra-right

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The tightening of abortion laws, the 2021 storming of the Capitol, a flare-up in racist violence: The US far-right has never been more powerful and visible than it is today - and that’s not just due to Donald Trump. The ultra-right has managed to gain a foothold at the very heart of US politics. As part of a strategy to win the 2024 election, it was ready to create a social divide similar to that of the secessionist wars, plunge the country into chaos and cause democracy to totter. The triumph of the radical right is the outcome of a well-thought-out strategy set in motion more than 40 years ago by a conservative minority thirsty for power. And this group has pushed through its agenda under the nose of the world. Today, we can see how successful its strategy was: The ultra-right has gained control of the key centers of power, a process accelerated on all levels by Donald Trump. With his help, the ultra-right now has control of the Supreme Court. Its advance continues unabated, with Trump’s election victory marking an interim high point.